10: you've just sealed your fate, dummy

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Since my nap from 5 to 8, I didn't really feel like sleeping. Luckily for me, Gideon didn't feel like sleeping right away as well. At least it gave me a chance to talk to him about the creature. The only downside was that he wanted to talk to me about the scene with Dipper.

I didn't want to talk about Dipper, but Gideon kept pushing it. I eventually told him that I didn't care anymore. I also mentioned the fact that Mabel had added me on Snapchat.

"I didn't know that she had Snapchat." Gideon commented when I showed him.

"Gideon, she's the most popular girl in Oregon, maybe in the whole U.S." I rolled my eyes. "Of course she has Snapchat."

Gideon shrugged. "A'ight."

That's when Janessa walked in through the front door. "Hey guys." She waved and smiled. "You're still up?"

I looked at the clock. "It's not that late, and I'm not that tired."

"Me too." Gideon nodded.

"Well, Dipper invited me to go watch a movie at his place tomorrow afternoon." Janessa twirled a piece of her black hair around her finger. "And he said I could bring my friends."

"I'm already hanging out with friends tomorrow." Gideon informed her. "Sorry."

"That's okay." She looked at me. "C'mon, Paz! It'll be fun!"

If you say no she'll think something's up. You don't want her to find out that Dipper was the guy, do you? I thought to myself. "Yeah sure, it'll be fun." There you go, you've just sealed your fate. Dummy.

Gideon glanced at me, worry visible in his expression. I gave him a reassuring nod. "We're gonna have so much fun!" Janessa smiled widely. "You and Rach are gonna love him!"

Already did. My heart wanted to scream at her.

Gideon started coughing and had to excuse himself, saying in between coughs that he was heading to bed.

"You going to bed, Paz?" Janessa asked as she started walking toward the stairs.

"Nah," I shook my head. "I'm not that tired."

Janessa shrugged. "Suit yourself, but you'll tire yourself out staying awake like this."

And before I knew it, she had disappeared up the stairs, probably going to tell Rachel about her date with Dipper. It made me feel slightly sick, but it was getting better. The only way I was going to get over Dipper was by moving on.

That didn't seem too difficult.

Once again, I was alone downstairs. But this time I didn't feel like going on a walk to get Feel-Good-Food. Right then, I needed to push boys aside and work on the mysteries the town provided me. I needed to investigate the woods either by myself or with Gideon.

"Good idea." I muttered, taking a sip of water from a cup that was sitting on the table. And then I really thought about it. "If Gideon and I go search the woods tomorrow, that would mean that I wouldn't have to go with Rach and Janessa to Gleeful Manor."

It was almost too perfect. Until my phone made a small 'bleep' noise. I turned over my phone and saw a Snapchat notification.

m.gleeful is typing. . .

"Oh brother." I muttered. "This can't be good."

A minute or so later, my phone made another 'bleep' noise.

from m.gleeful.

I took a deep breath and opened the chat. I didn't know what to expect. How had she found my Snapchat? More importantly, how had she only found it now? I got Snapchat years ago, right when I went into high school, and the Brown-Haired Wonderboy and I were still texting at that point.

It couldn't be good.

m.gleeful: this is pacifica isnt it? from all those yrs ago? yk, gids's cousin?

me: yeah, it is

I let out a sigh and leaned back on the seat I was sitting on. It would be just my luck if she told Dipper about me. Granted, he already knew. Or he didn't, I didn't know. Dipper was a mystery, covered in a chocolate shake; unreasonably sweet, but never ever good for you.

Before I knew it, Mabel had responded to my text with one of her own.

m.gleeful: i thought it was u. i saw u at the show last night

me: yeah, i didnt think u still did it. nice to see that somethings stay the same

Before I even shut off my phone, she was already typing. So, I figured I'd just stay on it to see what she was going to say.

m.gleeful: whatcha doing back in reverse falls? i mean ik u said u were comin back, but after awhile no one knew when

And before I could send a text back to her explaining why I was here, she shot another text that made my heart stop.

m.gleeful: does dipper kno ur here?

I took a moment to collect myself. I had no idea whether he knew it or not. When he saw me I thought he knew, but then he was really looking at Janessa. And the second time, he said that I looked like someone he used to know. While he could've been lying, I'd never know. And of course I looked like someone he used to know. I was the girl he used to know!

me: i dont really kno

m.gleeful: wdym?

me: i think he knos, but im not sure

m.gleeful: i assumed he knew cuz he was going on a date 2nite

me: i kno

m.gleeful: so, ur saying the grl he went on a date with isnt u?

More salt in the very fresh wound. I grit my teeth and took another deep breath. It wasn't Mabel's fault, she truly didn't know. And it only made it hurt more.

me: yeah. . .

m.gleeful: then

m.gleeful: who

m.gleeful: tf

m.gleeful: is

m.gleeful: that

m.gleeful: bitch?!

me: . . . .my best friend

me: janessa

I closed my eyes briefly. Mabel seemed heated when I told her that Dipper wasn't going out with me. Even though he just might not recognize me. I shook my head, now I was just making excuses for him, And I needed to stop that immediately.

The sooner I stopped making excuses for him, the sooner I could move on from him. It would be best for everyone.

Before I headed off to bed, I noticed the last text Mabel had sent me,

m.gleeful: ur comin over 2morrow and were solvin this damn thing. i worked 2 hard 2 get u 2 together and im not letting some californian skank get in the way of this. im going to fix this

me: what exactly r u gonna do?

m.gleeful: u'll see :)

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