33: love is all about seeing through the flaws in other people

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   Mabel was sitting across from me at the kitchen table, her left hand nursing a warm cup of tea that she'd been drinking idly. She had made me a cup as well, but I hadn't drunk any of it.

   From where Cody had accidentally punched me, I ruled it out as him because he was by that side of my body at the moment of impact, it was nothing more than a harsh bruise. Still hurt like the devil, nonetheless.

   "You okay, Paz?" Mabel asked me eventually.

   "I'm fine," I lied. "I mean, the bruise hurts like hell, but that's not what I'm thinking about."

   "What are you thinking about, then?" She coaxed. "You can tell me you know."

   "I'm just thinking about the things Cody was saying." I let out a sigh. "I mean, he seemed to think he has this big secret blackmail thing on Dipper that he was subtly mentioning to me, but Dipper seemed to think he didn't know the whole story."

   Mabel nodded. "Dipper's full of secrets."

   I laughed harshly. "Yeah, I figured that one out. But. . .that doesn't change how I feel about him. You get it?"

   "What you and Dipper have is special." Mabel stated. "I've never seen him any better with anyone else but you. I know you're probably sick of hearing this, but you've helped and changed him a lot since he's known you."

   "I know." I took a deep breath. "But everyone else thinks that I can do better than him. Gideon does, no doubt my probably ex-friends think the same, Cody does, and hell, maybe Dipper thinks about it too. My point being, can I actually do better than him?"

   "Love is all about seeing through the flaws in other people." Mabel said wisely. "Dipper's a big puzzle, but you know how to put all the pieces together, especially the rough edges."

   "You think so?"

   "Of course I do." Mabel promised. "I see the way the two of you act together. It's like you two were made for each other. I dunno how to explain it, but it's like there's a force that just wants you two to stick together."

   "Okay, I think you need to sleep or something." I laughed. "That's ridiculous."

   "Is it?" Mabel raised a brow. "Well, anyways, it doesn't matter." Her eyes glanced down to her phone on the table in front of her. "I think I know what he's doing."

   "Oh yeah?"

   "I think he's just trying to give you some space right now. I think he thinks that's what you want. He doesn't want you to hate him, so he's giving you plenty of space and time so you can process it all." Mabel explained.

   "Really?" I rolled my eyes, "part of me thinks that he's just staying out long enough for me to become worried about him and immediately forgive him as soon as he turns up again."

   "You think you'd forgive him that easily?" Mabel questioned.

   "I'm all ready right now to forgive him." I shook my head sadly. "I get why he did what he did, but he shouldn't have resorted to violence. But can't I still be angry at him?"

   "You're a woman," she stared dead at me, "you can hold onto it forever."

   "Huh," I murmured taking a sip of my now-cold tea.

   "I'm not saying you can't be angry at him." Mabel reasoned. "But don't let him torment himself. Being fair here, he's always felt that Cody was trying to steal you from him."

   "That's because he stole me from him first." I rolled my eyes. "But if I'm being 100 percent honest, I never saw that relationship with Cody going anywhere. I was fourteen and never had a boyfriend and Cody was nice, but he didn't make me feel the things that Dipper makes me feel."

   Mabel stayed quiet, but I knew that she understood what I was talking about.

   "What time is it now?" I asked.

   "Late." She shrugged. "I don't think I want to leave you alone for the night, if it doesn't bother you, I'd like to spend the night."

   "Honestly? I'm happy you said that." I sighed in relief. "I think I need a friend here tonight. Someone who won't try to steal my man."

   Mabel roared with laughter. "I promise you I would never do that."

   "I'm sure Janessa and Rachel are still taking up my room right now--"

   "Oh, no." Mabel shook her head. "I put them in a hotel."

   "Wait, really?"

   "Yeah, I figured Janessa was only staying to piss you off so I just shipped them off to a hotel. Still in Reverse Falls, I'm afraid." She admitted. "I figured you wouldn't want that type of negativity in your life. Especially right now."

   "Why weren't we friends back then?" I asked, standing up to hug her.

   "Honestly? Probably because we're more alike than we cared to admit back then. And probably because I was jealous of you or some petty shit like that." She laughed and graciously accepted my hug.

   "Thank God we're friends now." I spoke with full honesty. "I dunno if Dipper and I would even be together without your help."

   "You can pay me back by buying me a smoothie from the mall the next time we go shopping." She grinned. "Which will be soon. You know what happens mid-July?"

   "Don't tell me you guys still have that!" I groaned aloud albeit a smile on my face.

   "Yup, Gleeful Annual Ball." Mabel nodded as she walked into the living room. "And you're going to be my plus-one unless Dipper changes his attitude, gets up his courage and asks you already."

   "Will there be a ghost this time?" I asked.

   "God I hope not." She snorted. "Now, here's a rom-com that always makes me feel better when times like this happen."

   "Let's hope we have it." I fumbled with all the DVDs in the cabinet.

   "Ah, I'm sure you do. Otherwise we'll just go buy it." Mabel waved her hand as if to say 'don't worry about it'.

   Sure enough, I had it. "Thanks, Mabes."

   "You're welcome Paz." She grinned. "Now you have to watch. It's hella hilarious!"

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