47: the latter would truly be better

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   This wasn't how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to meet Dipper's parents the day of the big event.

   I was supposed to look elegant and wonderful, but now, I was standing in front of his mother with my ratty jeans and a plain t-shirt. Not exactly impressive.

   Mabel tugged my arm and pulled me along with her into the kitchen.

   "Hmm, what do you think? Scotch on the rocks or tequila sunrise?" Mabel murmured aloud as she rooted through the liquor cabinet that I didn't know was there.

   "What?" I was so absorbed in my own shock that it barely registered in my head that she had asked me a direct question.

   "Ugh, Paz, focus." She snapped her fingers in my face. "I know things are strange right now, but we just have to move past it."

   I nodded along, but everything about staying focused went in one ear and out the other. Dipper's mother was there, and I was to meet her!

   I could barely think straight. "Mabel," I whispered. "I don't think your mother likes me."

Mabel snorted. "My mother? She doesn't like anyone."

"I hope Dipper's alright." I glanced down the hall, but I couldn't see anyone. Nor could I hear anyone. That put me on edge.

   "Oh please." Mabel snorted.

   "I mean, he survived an attack from a magical creature, he can absolutely survive this!" I tried to sound positive.

   Mabel snorted once again. "Are you kidding? You've never met my mother. And now, we don't have magic to know what she's thinking."

I frowned and blew a piece of hair out of my eyes as Mabel started mixing drinks. "I think we know exactly what she's thinking."

A glass of sunset liquid was placed in front of me. I startled and looked at Mabel in amazement. "What is this?"

"It's called a tequila sunrise." Mabel appeared amused. "I can't believe you've never seen one."

"I don't drink." I rolled my eyes. "Sure I've had some, but I've never really been around places that had alcohol."

Mabel nodded and pushed the drink closer to me. "I think Mother will be talking to Dipper for quite some time. I'll bring this one," she held up another drink, "to her and then you and I can drink and chat."

After Mabel walked away, I looked at the drink in front of me. Surely one drink wouldn't hurt? Besides, alcohol calmed people's nerves, maybe that was exactly what I needed.

I reached forward and grasped the glass tightly in my hand. I took the smallest of small sips. It was sweet but also bitter. Mabel must've added more orange juice than tequila.

"Okay, I'm back." Mabel walked back and looked me up and down. "It's so tense in that room you could cut it with a knife."

"Did you hear what they were talking about?" I asked as Mabel sat down.

"Yes." Mabel pursed her lips. "And unfortunately, my mother would like to speak with you."

I froze instantly and almost dropped my glass. I steadied my hand and took a deep breath.

   Mabel looked at me with something like concern in her eyes. "Are you alright, Pacifica?"

   "I'll be fine." I nodded slowly. "Besides, her opinion doesn't truly matter to me. What matters is that Dipper loves me. And, I suppose, you too."

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