60: I promise; whatever happens

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   Morning came faster than I ever expected. With the light filtering through the lush curtains that hung near the balcony, it shone directly onto my eyelids, causing me to groan and try to roll over.

   I opened one eye and immediately smiled when I saw that Dipper was still sleeping peacefully next to me. His arms were wrapped comfortably around my mid-section, his chin nestled in the crook of my shoulder.

   I wanted to remember this moment, exactly how it was. So, without trying to move too much, I reached for my phone and took a picture.

   The light that streamed directly into my eyes was quite annoying, but there was no way I could move now.

   From beside me, I heard a low chuckle. "That's why I don't sleep on that side, sweetheart."

   "So you are awake." I commented, rolling my eyes.

   "Never one to stray too much from routine, Pazzie." Dipper lifted his head from my shoulder, after pressing a slow kiss onto my collarbone. "I do hope your picture turned out well. I am quite photogenic, even in the small hours of the morning."

"And you're still vastly verbose in the morning, it would seem." I murmured, finally turning to face him.

Dipper raised a brow, and it was still as undeniably sexy as it was the night prior. "It would seem you are, as well."

   Before I could counter with anything at all, he closed the space between us and kissed me. It was sultry, gentle and sweet; exactly what I decided I wanted to wake up with every day of my life.

   "When are you leaving?" He murmured, pressing his forehead against mine.

"I believe the last bus out of Reverse Falls is at one." I sighed, keeping my eyes closed. "So, a little before then, I suppose."

"Are you sure one is the latest?" Dipper asked. "I know you told me that you would handle the trip back, but I couldn't help but double-check to make sure everything was in order."

I rolled my eyes, and kissed his nose. "Oh, if you're an expert on the bus schedule, when is the latest?"

"Three." Dipper replied without a second thought. He really did know what he was talking about. "It's quite amazing what people will do when you mention taking a trip."

   In my sleepy and slightly disheveled state, it took me a moment to figure out what he was saying. "Did you bribe the bus driver?!"

   Dipper looked offended. "Well, of course not. I just happened to mention taking a trip to Piedmont but my schedule only allowed me to leave at three."

   "Wow." I shook my head. "I often forget what kind of influence you have on this town."

"It's crazy, isn't it?" Dipper murmured. After a few more moments of just staring into each other's eyes like it was the last time we'd ever, Dipper got up and stretched. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower, give me ten minutes. And then we can do whatever your heart desires."

I pondered the thought. What did I even want to do today? I didn't have that much time after all, and I still had to go back to the Mystery Shack to pack up the rest of my belongings.

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