27: everybody, let's go to the church

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A week passed since the encounter with the creature, and I was still nowhere when it came to 'saving' Dipper. So far, we hadn't seen the creature but it still scared me.

Since Janessa and Rachel planned on staying at the Mystery Shack until the car got fixed, surprisingly it wasn't, it was a little awkward for me to be in the shack with them. So, Dipper insisted I stayed with him.

The first night was a bit awkward, with me deciding to sleep in a guest room on the main floor. Dipper wasn't too happy about that decision of mine. But by the fourth night out of seven in which I'd spent at Gleeful Manor, Dipper convinced me to sleep with him.

But not like that.

Dipper's room was different. Different than I thought it would be. When I went into his room that night, he was already sleeping, or so I believed.

I had crawled into his bed and that's when I didn't know what to do. I'd never done anything like that in my life, so I was stunned. Luckily for me, Dipper soon woke up and raised a brow at me. When I told him that I only planned on sleeping, he rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to his chest.

It was one of the best nights of sleep I had gotten in the past week and I could only guess why. From there on out, I stayed with him in his room, and nothing other than cuddling happened. Which was actually kind of nice.

While we didn't have a conversation about where we stood with our relationship, it was known between us I suppose.

In that week, I hung out with Dipper more than anyone else. While we mainly stayed in Gleeful Manor, we went out on a few dates at night. I'd forgotten what a gentleman Dipper liked to be, and I also had forgotten just how egotistical he was on dates.

Unfortunately, I was nowhere near figuring out a plan so I tried to keep us from going out as much as possible. I needed to make sure that Dipper would be fine.

"Oh no, what now?"

I jumped a bit. "What do you mean?"

Dipper scoffed and walked into the sitting room. "You've got your thinking face on."

"I wasn't aware I had a thinking face." I sighed.

"You do." He took a seat next to me. "I find it adorable."

I rolled my eyes at his flirtatiousness. "I'm flattered."

"But what could you be thinking about," he hummed and laid his head down in my lap. "Hmm, I wonder."

"Wonder all you like," I mumbled.

"I shall." He grinned up at me. "Or, you could just tell me and we won't waste any time?"

"It's nothing." I lied.

"Doubtful." He snorted. "Do I need to take your mind off it?"

"You could try," I rolled my eyes once more.

"I will try," he sat up, "and I will succeed."

"Give it your best shot." I mumbled halfheartedly, not really paying attention to the Brown-Haired-WonderBoy.

He sat back for a few moments, before a huge smirk found its way onto his perfect features. I didn't have a chance to question him before he leaned closer to me, nuzzling my neck with his mouth.

My eyes widened, and I felt the heat of a thousand flames in my face. "D-Dipper--"

"You said I could try," He chuckled darkly. "This is me trying."

"I didn't think this was what you were going to do," I admitted, barely getting through the sentence without stuttering.

"Oh, Pazzie," he murmured, moving his face up to meet mine. "Always assume that this is what my plan is."

At the mention of the word 'plan' I was jolted back to my thoughts of saving Dipper from Traqueur Magique. My mind was clouded with a million different ways to try and solve this, but none seemed to be working.

I heard a scoff come from Dipper but I was lost in my own little world. If Dipper used magic again, the thing would find him immediately, and that was bad. But, it could also work as a plan.

"Pazzie," Dipper whispered.

"Yes?" I looked up into his eyes and found myself staring at pure lust.

Dipper leaned toward my lips and began to kiss me passionately. I found that once our lips touched all my worries seemed to disappear. Right then it was just me and him, and I didn't need to worry about anything other than how to make that moment last.

I ran my hand through his hair, gripping it harder when he pulled me closer to him. He pushed me down on the couch. His lips broke off from mine for a moment, and he gave me a look that I could only guess what it meant.

"Well, everybody, let's go to the church." A laugh sounded from the entrance to the sitting room.

Dipper and I simultaneously looked up and to my surprise saw that Mabel was standing there. "You could at least give us privacy." Dipper frowned as his sister entered the room.

"My house too, Dipper." Mabel pointed out, a grin on her face. "Besides, if you two are going to do it, maybe go into a room that's more private. I'm thinking Dipper's room."

"Mabel!" I hissed.

"Aw, you two are so adorable." Mabel laughed to herself, "thank god you finally came to your senses, Dipshit."

Dipper nodded, although he didn't say anything.

When Mabel came into the room, I'd realized that Dipper still hadn't told her what happened, and how he was Marked. I knew it wasn't my place to tell her, but she had to know.

I gave Dipper and look and he seemed to understand what I was getting at.

He cleared his throat and looked at his sister. "Hey, Mabel?"

"Hmm?" was her bored reply.

"I'm afraid I have something to tell you." He glanced from me to Mabel.

"And what might that be?" Mabel seemed to be less interested than before.

He sucked in a deep breath, "Traqueur Magique Marked me." He admitted quietly.

That seemed to get Mabel's attention. Her head snapped up and she looked at Dipper, her eyes wild. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Dipper told her the story of how it happened, and it only made her more mad than before. "And you didn't think to tell me this?" She glared at him.

"It slipped my mind." Dipper said, lying obviously.

"So what are we going to do?" Mabel demanded.

"I have an idea." I admitted quietly.

Both Gleeful twins stared wide-eyed at me. "Well, what is it?" Mabel said, being the first one to break the silence, while Dipper continued to stare at me.

"So here's how it goes. . ."

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