37: the line clicked dead

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The plan was set in motion, I crouched beside Mabel and looked at my phone. "How long do you think this will take?"

Mabel sighed. "I'm not entirely sure. When Dipper and I first encountered the creature, it was at the Tent of Telepathy. We had been using magic for awhile before it came to us. But, I'm guessing it's very near."

Gideon looked over at us. "Don't worry, Paz, this'll work. You'll get your boyfriend back in one piece."

"Good." I crossed my arms.

All of a sudden, my phone started to ring. Looking at the caller I.D., I felt a wave of relief, but also confusion. "Dipper?" I asked when I answered.

"Hey, Pazzie." He murmured. "Sorry for calling you like this, but," he sighed, "I don't think this is working."

"What do you mean?" I asked while Mabel and Gideon gave me curious look.

"So, I did a simple spell." He started, "but, it was almost as if I couldn't do it."

"What do you mean you couldn't do it?" I asked. "You couldn't do magic?"

"He what?" Gideon gulped.

"I tried a simple spell, as you do," Dipper continued, "but nothing happened. Perhaps it has to have more dramatic flair?"

Mabel shook her head. "Something's wrong."

"Anything else?" I asked. "I shouldn't have left you alone, Dipper."

"Don't beat yourself up, Pacifica." Dipper murmured closely in my ear. His voice carried a soothing element to it. He sounded as if he was at peace. That worried me.

The line went silent for a moment. All I could hear was a million creatures scuttling around the woods on my end. The sound of the soft, summer breeze ruffling the leaves of all the trees. The dark clouds gathering overhead, threatening a storm soon enough.

"Hey, Pazzie?" Dipper finally spoke after what felt like ages.

"Yes!" I asked, slightly rushed.

"I'll be wearing a black tux, you can choose my tie." Dipper said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Dipper," I held the phone closer to my ear. "What's going on over there? Is it there?"

"I think it's near." was Dipper's only reply. Because after those words spilled from his lips, the line clicked dead.

"Dipper!" I screamed into the mic, knowing very well that he wouldn't be able to hear me, but I tried nonetheless. When his voice didn't come through, I panicked and looked toward Mabel and Gideon. "I don't think this plan is going our way."

Mabel nodded grimly. "Do we have a backup plan?"

Gideon winced. "Believe it or not, this was our backup plan."

"Guys!" I protested. "We have to find Dipper! He can't die!"

Mabel refocused. "Do you remember where you left him?"

I nodded. "Okay, just follow me."

The three of us ran through the woods, me in the lead. The sky was dimly lit by a small crescent moon, so the woods appeared more ominous. It didn't do much to soothe me.

When we arrived at the place I left Dipper, my heart sunk. No one was there.

"Where's Dipper?" Gideon asked me, looking around. "Oh, Paz, you don't think--"

"No." I interrupted. "Please don't put those thoughts in my head. We just really need to find him. I don't want him to be alone during this."

Mabel silently nodded. She glanced around the clearing. "How are we supposed to find him, without using magic that will make the creature track us."

I placed my hands on my forehead and tried to think of something. Inside, I couldn't stop panicking. My mind kept going to the worst, thinking about what could have happened to Dipper. "Mabel, if you use magic, what will happen?"

"I, I'm not sure." She looked down at the grass. "I dunno if it will take care of Dipper and then find me, drop Dipper and kill me and then take him out, or if it'll just change its mark."

"So, either way, someone's dying tonight." Gideon stated, grimly.

"As much as I want to sugarcoat it, it's the truth." Mabel replied.

"What should we do, Paz?" Gideon turned to ask me.

It was at that moment that I realized they were both looking at me. They had no ideas of their own, and looked to me. I had to save Dipper's life, no matter the cost. But I wasn't going to risk Mabel's or Gideon's life to do so.

It had to be me.

I sucked in a breath. "There has to be something magical in these woods that I can use." I broke off from them and began searching the forest floor for any magical item. "Guys! Look for anything that could be used as a magic spell!"

Gideon dropped down to the ground and began sifting through the grass to find anything. To be fair, I didn't specify to what it would be. Mabel started looking around for anything. I figured that she would be the expert on magical items from the woods.

I felt tears stinging the corners of my eyes as I tried to plan this all out. I didn't want Dipper to die! We had just found each other again, and he had the chance of dying, all because of my mistake.

I managed to hold back the tears as I continued to search the ground for anything that could be used in a protection spell.


I looked up to find both Mabel and Gideon huddled close together. They stared down at something was Gideon held in his hand.

I got up from the ground and made my way over to them. I knew something was up before I saw what Gideon was holding, because Mabel was having trouble stifling her sobs. I made it to them and Gideon showed me what he had found.

In his hands was a pale, blue stone. Perfectly identical to the one that Mabel had on her headband. Dipper's amulet. At that moment, I let the tears fall. And I let myself sob.

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