03: the ultimate wingman

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   Gideon took a deep breath, and began to explain.

   "Okay, so as soon as school let out last week I'd begun to notice some strange things. The nights would be absolutely silent. No noises from animals, creatures or townsfolk. And you know this town, people are always out and about because this is the safest town around." He paused to take a breath. "I started to do a little investigating on my own. During the day, I'd look around the town to try and figure out what was happening. But when I was left with blanks, I realized that I'd have to go searching at night."

   Gideon shuddered as if the memory was scary. I braced myself. "So, I lied to my dad, saying that I was hanging out with friends. But I'd really go off into the forest to have a look around. One night, I was out there and it had been a few days so I figured nothing really was going on and I was just being paranoid." He looked at me and laughed lightly. "Something I got from you."

   I swatted him. "Focus, Gideon."

   He took a deep breath. "But then something happened. Hell, even I'm not entirely sure about it. But when I was heading home after another night of nothing, something came up behind me and attacked me."

   I gasped. "No. You're serious?"

   Gideon nodded once more. "I'm serious, but for some reason, it didn't kill me. Strange, right? I had a hard time explaining to my dad how I managed to get all those scratches. I just told him that it was wrestling my friends."

   I nodded. "What was it?"

   Gideon shook his head. "I couldn't tell ya. I'm still confused about it myself. But that's why I texted you, because something happened earlier today."

   "Yeah, same here." I admitted. "I'm thinking it might be the same creature you've ran into too."

   Gideon nodded. "I figured you'd know what to do with this, considering you have the Journal."

   My eyes widened. I'd almost forgotten about the Journal I had found here years ago, and I almost forgot that Gideon made me take it. "I haven't touched it in awhile." I admitted. "But I get it."

   "Yeah, all the supernatural stuff seemed to die down after you left." Gideon explained, "that's why when this thing started happening I was worried."

   "I don't blame you, Gids." I touched his shoulder. "Now, we can discuss this later, right now I think my friends and I need a place to stay while our car's getting fixed."

   Gideon smiled, "you guys can chill here, I don't mind. There's space for all of you."

   "Thanks, Gids." I gave my cousin a quick hug. "You sure Uncle Bud won't mind?"

   "Nah, he'll be fine with it." Gideon shrugged. "Go tell your friends so they can start setting things up. Then we can relax the rest of the night."

   I walked outside and called my friends over. "Nessa! Rach! Bring all of our stuff, Gideon's letting us stay here until we get the car fixed, okay?"

   Janessa was the first to enter the Shack again, all of her stuff in tow. "Thank goodness, hotel's would be so much more expensive and we need that money for repairs."

   Rachel followed her inside. "Alright, where should we set up?"

* * *

   Soon enough, everyone was settled in and we were all watching a movie in the living room. Turned out that Rachel and Gideon had a lot in common, but what Gideon had told me earlier kept me from really relaxing.

   I was nervous about the whole situation, and for things to be worse, I didn't bring the Journal. After all, I didn't think about bringing it. I didn't think I'd end up in Reverse Falls. How convenient that after talking about a certain person, I ended up in the town that he lived. How convenient indeed.

   "Hey, Paz?"

   I looked up and saw Gideon waving a hand in front of my face. "What's up?" I asked.

   "You looked like you were lost in thought." Gideon explained. "You got something on your mind? Something you want to talk about, perhaps?"

   I saw that Janessa and Rachel were invested in the movie too much to even care that Gideon was talking to me. I figured a few minutes to talk to him privately would be alright. "Yeah, just something quick."

   And once again we were standing in the kitchen, discussing something private.

   "So. What's up?" He asked me.

   I felt my stomach begin to churn. "It's about--"

   "Never mind," Gideon held up a hand. "I know what it's about."

   "You do?" I really hoped that he didn't.

   "It's about Dipper, isn't it?"

   I gulped and nodded. "Yeah, it's about Dipper."

   Gideon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I knew that this would come up."

   "What? Am I that predictable?" I demanded, albeit keeping my voice hushed.

   Gideon shrugged. "No, but I figured it was coming."

   "So," I looked down at my feet, "how is he?"

   "I'm afraid I dunno." Gideon admitted.

   My face fell and I immediately assumed the worst. "What do you mean?"

   "Nothing bad happened to him, from what I know." Gideon reassured me. "But ever since you left, his parents enrolled him and Mabel into a boarding school. I don't see them throughout the entire year, but they come home in the summer. In fact," he glanced at the clock. "They have a show at the Tent of Telepathy tonight at 7."

   My head tried to process all the information Gideon had given me. "They still perform?" Then it hit me. "They still have their amulets?"

   Gideon nodded. "Least I know."

   "The reason you told me about the show is because you want me to go there, don't you?" I frowned, but I almost broke out into a smile.

   "What can I say," Gideon shrugged. "I'm nthe ultimate wingman. Now go get your friends, because tickets sell out fast."

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