44: consider me interested

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   I forgot how much I despised malls. Too crowded, kids were everywhere, and every single person in the place seemed to know exactly who I was.

   As I made my way through the crowds of people, desperately trying to find my Pazzie all the while dodging girls left and right, I thought about calling her.

   Sure, she'd be surprised to find me there, but perhaps she'd enjoy spending time with me while she shopped for her dress.

   I dialed her number and waited for her answer, tapping my fingers against my leg as I stood off on the sidelines.

   "This is Pacifica, leave a message and I'll get back to you!" her voice chirped over my phone.

   "Hey, Paz," I turned around in a semi-circle and ran a hand through my hair. "I heard from your cousin that you're at the mall, I decided to show up. Think we could spend some time together, just the two of us? Call me when you get this."

   I hung up, hoping that I didn't sound too desperate over the phone.

   I tried to locate a few of the several dress stores in the mall that I believed Pacifica would go to. Finding her without magic was definitely going to take some getting used to.

   I meandered with a purpose throughout the mall, walking in and out of several different dress stores before I finally found the one where Pacifica was.

   Unfortunately, she wasn't alone.

   I froze instantly when I saw the all-too-familiar red hair.

   Scarlett Valentino.

   I was too far away to hear what she was saying to my Pacifica, but I really hoped this wasn't about to go terribly wrong for me. Ever since Scarlett's little love confession, she'd avoided me like the plague, but why would she show up to talk to Paz?

   I watched from a distance as Scarlett talked to Pacifica, wondering what the hell they could be talking about. I came to two conclusions; one, seeing your kind of ex talk to your current girlfriend was bad news. Two, I really really missed having magic.

   Soon enough, Scarlett made her way out of the dress store. I had to know what they had talked about, but asking Pacifica would be a little too direct. So, I made my way to Scarlett, hoping to solve whatever drama was sure to come from this.

   As soon as Scarlett saw me, her eyes narrowed, then softened. Damnit. "Dipper? What the hell are you doing here? You hate the mall."

   "If you must know, Scarlett, I'm here for Pacifica." I replied, honestly.

   She nodded, playing with a piece of her red hair. "She's in there," she jerked her thumb in the direction of the store she just exited.

   "Look, I won't beat around the bush here." I sighed. "What the hell were you two talking about?"

   Scarlett frowned. "Nothing important, Dipper, chill."

   "Seriously, Scarlett." I inhaled sharply. "I need to know--"

   "Look, your girlfriend came up to me." Scarlett huffed. "She seemed to know who I was and for a moment I was slightly scared that she was gonna try to punch me or something."

   I tried to hide my amusement.

   I obviously failed at that because Scarlett glared at me. "Anyways, she was friendly enough, asking my opinion on a dress, you're not getting married so soon, are ya, rich boy?"

   "Hardly, Scarlett." I rolled my eyes. "Mid-Summer ball at Gleeful Manor."

   She nodded, not entirely interested.

   "Look, Scarlett," I tried, "I don't want things to be complicated between us. I want us to still be friends, despite all past histories."

   Scarlett looked away for a moment, but then she nodded. "I get it. Anyways, since we're such great friends, am I invited to your ball?"

   "I didn't think that would be your scene." I admitted.

   "Meh, who knows, it might be fun." Scarlett grinned. "I'll get a dress and clean up nicely and everything. How about that?"

   "Who the hell are you?" I teased.

   "When is it?" She asked, walking a few paces away from me.

   "Three days." I informed.

   "I guess I'll see you then." She grinned. "Now, go see your girl. Bye, rich boy." She waved goodbye and soon disappeared into the crowds of people.

   Sighing, I made my way into the dress store in hopes of finding Pacifica with less of a struggle.

   I spotted her near immediately. She was sorting through tons of different dresses, holding them up in front of a mirror and shaking her head.

   Trying not to startle her too much, I walked up behind her. "You know, I think you're supposed to wear white dresses at weddings, but if you want to jump the gun, consider me interested."

   She jumped and then smacked me on the arm. "Dipper!" Pacifica hissed. "You scared me half to death!"

   "Still not hearing a no for a wedding." I nodded slowly. 

   "I'm barely seventeen, Dipper." Pacifica rolled her eyes, putting the dress back on the rack. "If you think I'm going to pull a Bella from Twilight, you're absolutely wrong."

   "I'm surprised you even watched those movies." I snorted, trying to hide my amusement for the second time in less than ten minutes.

   "Janessa kinda forced me and Rachel to watch them." She murmured, looking down, "y'know, when we were friends."

   I bit my lip and tried to find a way to cheer her up. "Listen, Pazzie, this store doesn't really look like it has the right kind of dresses for a ball, how about we go to this lovely place I know, and then I take you to dinner? All my treat."

   Her eyes met mine once more and a smile blossomed onto her face. God I loved when she smiled. "Yeah, I've been looking to spend some time with you. We've hardly gotten any alone time in a long while."

   "Nothing will ever be in the way of us again." I promised, taking her small hands in mine. "No creatures, no exs, no magic."

   She smiled despite everything. "Yeah. Hey, Dipper?"

   "Yes, Pazzie?"

   "I love you." She whispered and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

   "And I love you." I rolled my eyes. "Now, let's get out of here before we run into someone we don't want to."

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