14: from unemotional to angry

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   "Now, do you know what you have to do?" Mabel asked as we entered the driveway. "It'll be insanely simple."

   "I still don't understand what your plan is, Mabes." I groaned. "And I don't see how it will work."

   "Just follow my lead." Mabel explained. "And if it comes to extreme measures, continue to follow my lead."

   "Extreme measures?" I echoed as she stepped out of the car. What could that mean?

   Mabel walked up the path, a gazillion bags hanging on her arms. I went in tow, only dragging my bag that I brought from the Mystery Shack. "Where are we going? I mean, obviously the manor, but where specifically?"

   "My room, dummy." Mabel rolled her eyes as she looked back at me for only a moment. "That way we can get you ready, but we gotta sneak you in because I don't want Dipper to see you yet." She winked at me and swung open the door.

   I took a deep breath in, and followed her inside.

   "Dipper," Mabel shouted and I winced. What the hell was she doing? "I'm here."

   "Lovely." He replied from wherever he was.

   "I'm going up to my room, and I don't want to be disturbed." She said as she ushered me up the stairs. "Text me our dinner plans. Au revoir!"

   Before I could hear Dipper's response, Mabel pushed me up the stairs and shoved me into her room. "Alright, seeing since it's 5 o'clock, we'll be eating in a little less than 30 minutes. Whether it be here or out somewhere, I do not know." She explained, locking her door. "Are you ready?"

   I gave her a firm nod. "I am. And I trust that you won't go overboard with this whole makeup thing?"

   "I won't go overboard." She swore. "Now, while I work, you may ask a few questions. Whether it be about me, what I'm doing to help you, or," she paused, "or Dipper."

   First, Mabel threw a bunch of clothes at me, and a few shorts to put on and then she instructed me to go into her walk-in closet. "Just try the combinations I sort of put together and then present them to me, mmkay?" She asked, her voice slightly muffled by the wooden door between us.

   "Gotcha." I started trying on the outfits she laid out for me. "So, how many questions do I get to ask?"

   "Hmm," she pondered it for a moment. "3."

   "Great." I nodded to myself as I checked out the green shirt in the mirror as well as the blue jeans I'd put on. The outfit was cute in itself, but it didn't do much to get the Brown-Haired-Wonderboy's attention.

   "What are you gonna wear?" She pestered from the other side.

   "Black shirt." I said, pulling it on. "It looks nice with the blue jean shorts."

   "It does." She informed me. "I would wear stuff like that all the time."

   "Yeah, it's nice." I finished changing into it and showed Mabel.

   She gave me a smile and a thumbs up. "Perfect. It makes your boobs pop, that'll get his attention."

   I rolled my eyes, but she was probably right. "Hey Mabes?"

   "Mm?" She hummed.

   "I've got my first question."

* * *

   It was only another thirty minutes for Mabel to get me ready. In that time, she'd answered two of my questions. I had one more to ask and she would have to answer honestly. In those quick, but painfully slow, thirty minutes, Mabel told me that we were staying in for dinner. I could only imagine why.

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