23: at the risk of sounding cliché

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One thing running wild in my mind was 'oh shit'. I hadn't planned to go that far with Dipper, if most people would even consider that far, but it just happened.

Did I regret it? Absolutely not. But now, with three people standing in front of us, I felt embarrassed. But more scared when I saw that Janessa was in the group.

Dipper's expression seemed to be hard and frozen, like he was calculating an escape route. Damn that clever man.

When no one spoke, Gideon decided to clear his throat. "What the hell?"

"Yeah!" Janessa yelled, "what the hell Dipper?! I say we're taking a break and you immediately start hooking up with my best friend!?"

Dipper frowned. "The 'break' was mutual, Janessa."

Janessa stomped her foot like an angry child. "You never kissed me like that!"

"I never kissed you." He stated, "ever."

I started feeling even more embarrassed when I realized I was still sitting on the kitchen counter. I slowly hopped off the counter. "You never kissed her?" I whispered.

Dipper turned to me. "Never."

"So what the hell just happened?" Gideon asked. "Are you two. . ?"

"He's the guy from three years ago, isn't he?" Rachel suddenly asked.

"What?" Janessa asked.

"How'd you know?" I winced.

"I started to put the things together." She explained. "The first part being when you said 'he's a different social status'."

Dipper looked at me funny and he mouthed, 'different social status?'.

"Also when you mentioned that you and Mabel, who's Dipper's sister, meet three years ago." She stated. "The same time you met Dipper. And finally," she rolled her eyes, "the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife."

"You could've hidden your feelings better." Dipper elbowed me.

"You don't seem to be taking this seriously." Janessa crossed her arms.

"Janessa," Dipper sighed, "I don't like you that way. I never did."

As harsh as it sounded, I knew it was true and that it needed to be said.

"At the risk of sounding cliche, my heart has always belonged to Pacifica." Dipper sighed. "I know how it sounds but," he looked over at me, "it's the truth."

And very suddenly it occured to everyone that something looked odd. "Uh, Dipper?" Gideon decided to be the one who said something first. "Why the hell is your shirt off?"

Dipper looked down, as if just remembering that he was half naked, and shrugged. "Long story, so long that we don't have time for it."

Before I could react, Janessa walked up to me, her facial expression was neutral and a sliver of me hoped that she was coming to apologize. She stood before me, taking a deep breath, "you made him break up with me, you bitch!"

I felt the sting on my cheek when she struck me. My hand immediately flew to cup my cheek, and I barely noticed when Dipper restrained Janessa, or the horror painted on Rachel's face, the disbelief on Gideon's.

How could things have gone so wrong?

I barely registered when Dipper said something to Rachel. She nodded and took Janessa up the stairs while Gideon ran to grab something from a freezer. Dipper then cupped my face in his hands and stared at me intently. "Are you alright, Pacifica?" His tone was urgent.

I nodded slowly, but I felt the tears slipping from my eyes, landing onto my cheeks like a hot rain. "I dunno anymore." I managed to say before more tears fell and several sobs escaped my chest. "Everything's a mess, Dipper."

Gideon came back and handed something to Dipper. Dipper immediately wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as he placed an ice pack on my face. Kind of extreme measures, but right then I didn't care.

"So this is a thing again?" Gideon asked, and I almost forgot he was standing there.

Dipper glared at him, "not the time, Gideon."

Gideon shrugged, "should I leave you two lovebirds alone?"

I managed to nod slowly. "Yeah, Dipper and I need to talk."

"Pazzie's right." Dipper turned on Gideon. "I need to speak with her in private."

Gideon rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen, "just use protection, you two, we don't need any Paz and Dipper hybrids out there."

"GIDEON!" I yelled, appalled.

When he didn't answer, I looked back at Dipper, who seemed to be lost in thought. "Dipper? Are you alright?"

"Yeah," he mumbled, although I wasn't convinced.

"How long have you been smoking again?" I suddenly dared to ask.

He gave me a confused look. "I beg your pardon?"

"I saw you out on the porch earlier." I explained, pushing the ice pack away. "Why?"

Dipper heaved a sigh, dropped his arms to his side before running a hand through his hair. "I didn't want you to see that side of me, Pacifica."

"Long complicated three years?" I guessed, although I already knew. It would be better for me to pretend I didn't know, otherwise he'd clam up. Especially if he knew that Mabel told me.

He chuckled, "you have no idea."

I stayed quiet a minute, sneaking quick glances at his bare chest. One word screaming in my mind; wow.

"Um, Pazzie?"

I looked up immediately. Dipper never said anything as short or inarticulate as 'um'. "Yes?"

"Are you done checking me out?" He asked, a smug grin painted on his face.

"Dipper!" I hissed, swatting him. "I was not checking you out!"

"Stubborn as always." Dipper chuckled as he walked into the living room. "Sit down, I'll tell you everything you want to know. Everything except my size. You'll have to figure that out yourself."

I gave a quizzical look before it dawned on me. "Dipper!" I hissed.

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