06: beautiful albeit complicated

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I had officially figured out what the worst thing in a young woman's life was.

It was watching the, supposed, love of your young life pick another girl right in front of you. I could still feel the pain in my chest where he'd wrenched my heart out of. I could feel the numbness creeping up my spine. I could feel the shakiness in my hands quake like an earthquake. I could feel the tears pool in my eyes like a dam waiting to burst.

He had forgotten me.    

Everything we had promised each other was a lie.

The urge to throw up was almost too strong, but I managed to calm myself down.

After the show, Janessa had waited until most people left the tent, which was a long time considering the Gleeful twins were very popular still, and spent a few minutes talking to Dipper. While Gideon, Rachel and I steered clear. And we all had different reasons to.

Rachel, because while she thought Dipper was attractive, didn't want to get in Janessa's way for a potential 'date'. And for other reasons that I wasn't clear on.

Gideon because he had a sneaking suspicion that the Gleeful twins (Dipper in particular) was up to something and didn't trust a hair on his head. Also, I had no idea what kind of terms the Pines and Gleefuls were on.

And me for obvious reasons. Dipper didn't notice me in a crowd of girls, one being my best friend Janessa. He couldn't even recognize me. I didn't want to stand in the way of what was meant to happen, so I left Janessa and Dipper alone.

When we arrived home, all four of us, Gideon announced that he was going to bed and went upstairs without saying another word to me or my friends. But I wasn't tired enough to go to sleep. In fact, all I wanted to do was go for a long walk and pick up some snacks and a good movie to watch. I needed some Feel-Good-Food.

"And then we clicked immediately onstage." Janessa squealed. "He's so charming too! Did you see the way he picked me out of everyone else?! Me! Can you believe it?!"

"I'm happy for you, Nessa." Rachel sounded happy enough. "After the whole messy breakup with Scott, you really deserved some harmless flirting."

I rolled my eyes. How long would Janessa milk that 'messy breakup' with Scott for? But what Rachel said really gave me a spark of hope. Would it really just be harmless flirting?

"I wish I could tell you it was harmless flirting." Janessa whispered, her eyes shining. "But he gave me his number and I just sent him a text. Ooh, I wonder if he has Snapchat"

   Rachel smiled at Janessa. "Good for you! Let's hope he isn't like Scott."

"Oh please, Rach," Janessa scoffed. "I'm getting vibes from Dipper, he isn't like Scott at all. Scott could be his own species."

I rolled my eyes once more. If I knew anything, Dipper was worse than Scott.

True, Scott did breakup with Janessa before prom because he wanted to go with another girl, but Dipper manipulated your feelings. Bending them to his exact will, always getting what he wanted. Relationships were a game for Dipper, and he sure did like winning them.

Well, almost every relationship Dipper had. When he and I were together, things were beautiful albeit complicated. And at the risk of sounding clichéd , when Dipper and I were together it was different. He was a better person with me than anyone else.

"So, has he responded?" Rachel asked, getting excited with this new gossip. Rachel typically didn't care for relationships but had a knack for picking up when two people liked each other. But the poor girl couldn't figure out when some guy had a crush on her. But boy, did that girl live for gossip.

Janessa checked her phone for any new notifications. "No, he hasn't." She informed us, glumly.

I got a sudden wave of satisfaction from hearing her say that. Even if it sounded rude. I couldn't explain why, but I didn't enjoy much of it. "Well, maybe he's busy?" I suggested.

"Yeah, maybe." Janessa shrugged. "Well, I'm going to head up to bed soon, and I'll let you guys know if he texts back."

Rachel let out a yawn. "Nah, I'm hitting the hay. I could really use a good night sleep for once and perhaps this shack'll let me have that."

As my two friends walked upstairs, chatting away about whether he'd text back tonight or tomorrow morning. I couldn't stand the thought of those two talking about Dipper. So, I decided I'd sneak out of the house to get some time to myself.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearing 9:30. It wasn't too late for a convenience store to be open. Last I checked, they were open all night. I tugged on my tennis shoes and grabbed my hoodie from the coat rack near the door.

I sent a quick text to my mom, letting her know that we decided to stay in Reverse Falls for the night with my cousin. Just so she didn't freak out. Per usual.

After I sent the text, I pulled my hoodie over my head and left the Mystery Shack my wallet in tow because I was getting ready to buy some Feel-Good-Food.

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