42: she's acting like she'd rather you died

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Swiftly dodging several nurses in the tight hallways of Reverse Falls Hospital, I nearly dropped the thing of white roses I was carrying. "Sorry!" I called out to the nurse I nearly tripped.

It had been a week since the incident in the caves occurred, and Dipper's doctors declared that today was the day he was allowed to be released.

Dipper's injuries were hardly worth a week-long stay in a hospital, but since he's a local celebrity, the doctors insisted that he needed to stay until he was in perfect health.

"Hi, I'm here for--"

"--for Dipper Gleeful, yeah I know." A bored nurse rolled her eyes at me. "Same room as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that."

I faked a smile. "Thanks for your help." Jerk!

I raced down the hall, trying not to trip over my own feet until I made it to the end of the long hallway. I faced Dipper's door, took a deep breath and opened the door.

Once I barely took a step inside, a flower pot was chucked at the door. Letting out a squeak of terror, I closed the door just as I heard it smash against the wall nearest.

I opened the door once more and glared at the perpetrator. "What the hell, Mabel?"

"Sorry, I didn't know you were coming in." Mabel replied, smiling sweetly. "I was just having a nice chat with my lovely lovely brother."

Dipper looked from me to his sister, "she's freaking out because our magic is gone for good."

"We figured that out a week ago, why are you still upset?" I trotted into the room and took a seat on the chair next to the hospital bed.

"Magic has been a part of my life for ten years, Pacifica." Mabel explained. "It's not something I can just forget about in a week." She shook her head angrily, her brown locks bouncing. "We can't even perform at the Tent of Telepathy anymore."

"Small price to pay for our lives, Mabel." Dipper tutted. "We both could've died that night. Yes, it's going to take a lot of getting used to, but I'd rather be alive without magic than be dead with it."

"Well, I'd rather be dead!" Mabel snorted, stomping a heeled boot onto the cold floor.

"That can be arranged, sister dear." Dipper chuckled darkly. "Anyways, Pazzie," his eyes glossed over the thing of roses I was holding, "you brought me flowers?"

"Yeah," I shrugged, placing them on the table next to his bed. "I thought that--"

"White roses." He mused. "Thank you."

I nearly gasped. Dipper Freaking Arrogant Gleeful just thanked me? "Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?!" I demanded.

Dipper laughed, a real genuine laugh, and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer. "He's right here and he's grateful to have you in his life."

"Oh barf," Mabel gagged, "if you're going to spew romantic shit, please wait until the two of you are alone!"

"Then why don't you allow us some alone time?" Dipper retorted.

Mabel bristled. "Fine! I'm going to wait in the car, hopefully you can drag my brother's sorry ass out of the hospital on your own." She stalked out of the room and slammed the door so hard the doorframe shook violently.

"Wow, she's acting like she'd rather you died." I muttered.

"She'll come around." Dipper shrugged lightly. "I understand how she feels. I wish we didn't have to lose our magic to win this fight, but it's better to be alive."

"Hmm, the Dipper I knew three years ago would disagree." I laughed and leaned against the bed. "What changed his mind?"

"You did, Pacifica."

I blushed at his comment and tried to shake my head. "You don't mean that."

"Do you remember any of my romanticness from the letter I wrote you?" Dipper scoffed, crossing his arms. "I said that you changed me. Clearly you did."

I leaned closer to him and pressed a light kiss to his cheek. "You have no idea how glad I am that we met all those years ago, Dipper."

Dipper smiled, "not to be overly romantic here, Southeast, but I don't think I was ever able to take my eyes off of you."

"Shut up, Gleeful." I rolled my eyes. "How're your ribs?"

Dipper frowned. "Changing the subject?"

"Answer the question, you fool." I laughed.

"Lightly bruised. Again, the week in the hospital helped the healing process, although it was far from necessary." Dipper rolled his eyes.

"Small price to pay for being the famous Dipper Gleeful." I retorted.

"Should we head out of here, Pacifica?" He asked. "I'm certain that I can leave now, and I am also certain that my beloved sister won't wait too long before leaving us here."

Dipper's doctor discharged him and it only took ten painful minutes of listening to the doctor ramble on and on about Dipper's health. Once I was able to lead Dipper out of the hospital, he gave me a long, and proper kiss. Something I'd been missing from him.

Mabel, of course, saw us and honked the horn at us.

Dipper laughed her off and pulled me in for another kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss. Realization hit me in that moment. Every hardship the two of us went through only made our relationship stronger. Sure, the downs hurt like hell, but everything was leading to this moment.

Dipper Gleeful was the man I loved. I couldn't see myself with another.

"Stop kissing in the the middle of the street, you're gonna get hit by a car!"

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