56: till your uses run dry

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The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

   I sat at the dining room table, arms crossed, staring daggers at Scarlett, who mirrored my position with such a similarity that it kind of freaked me out.

Then again, we'd known each other for so long, and Scarlett was quite notorious for mocking me for my formalities.

After the incident from the night before, I had no idea where I stood with her. But now, things had crossed the line.

"Okay," Pacifica sighed, being the calmer one out of everyone at the table, "what happened?"

Scarlett snorted. "I think even you can figure out what happened."

Pacifica's face flushed, but she did her best to keep her calm composure, but I could see it slowly fading away. "Well, yeah, I can guess and even insinuate what happened between you two, I guess my question should've been why."

Mabel kept quiet, which was strange in my opinion, but I wasn't going to question her about it. Not yet, anyways.

Scarlett scoffed. "I really don't see how it's any of your business. Everything that happened was completely consensual."

"Mabel," I let out a breath I hardly realized I was holding.

She turned to look at me, brows furrowed. "What?"

"Can you just tell me why?" I asked. In all honesty, I truly didn't care if my sister was into girls. Gave us a little more in common. I only cared to know if Scarlett was just using her for a petty vendetta against me.

"Geez, it really wasn't about you, Dipshit." Scarlett answered for Mabel, as if she was reading my thoughts.

"Then why did you—"

"I actually started it, Dipper." Mabel interjected.

   "See I knew— wait, what?" I was absolutely flabbergasted.

   "You see, I saw Scarlett heading your way during the party." Mabel explained. "Knowing that Paz would probably feel uncomfortable about it —which I was absolutely right about— I decided that as her best friend, I would try to handle the situation."

   I looked over at Pacifica, to see if she would confirm it for me. Sure enough, she nodded. What exactly had I missed at the party? I hadn't even drank that much.

   "So, I followed Scarlett into the kitchen, grabbed her arm, and dragged her into a more secluded area to talk to her." Mabel continued, checking her nails as if what she was telling me wasn't a big deal.

How could she possibly be acting so calm about it all?

"Once the two of us were outside and a decent way away from the Shack," she closed her eyes momentarily, but went on as soon as they were opened, "I immediately told her to back off from you because it wouldn't be right. To go after someone who is very clearly in a relationship."

"Yeah, that's what happened." Scarlett nodded.

"We kind of argued back and forth for a little bit, y'know?" Mabel rested her head on her hands, "she was telling me it wasn't any of my business and whatnot. And, well, one thing led to another—"

   "It really doesn't concern you." Scarlett cut Mabel off. "It happened."

   We all went quiet again, I could figure out the rest of Mabel's story without her needing to tell me it. My only question now was—

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