57: quite the oxymoron

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After observing mindless tv for a few hours, we collectively decided that it was time to talk. However, Mabel was still not back.

"The most logical conclusion is that she is home." Dipper murmured. "Perhaps sleeping off a hangover."

"I've heard that Chinese food is the best when your hungover." Gideon piped up at the mention of the word 'hangover'.

"I am not buying you Chinese food."

   "Okay, can we focus now?" I shook my head at the two of them. Although, I had to admit, it was quite nice that they were getting along. "We oughta go to Gleeful Manor, find Mabel, and actually talk this out, because, well, Dipper and I are the only ones who know."

"Of course you two are." Gideon rolled his eyes. "But, I'm with ya. Let's go to Gleeful Manor!" He let out a small groan, "my head still hurts."

By the time we debated who was driving to Dipper's place (Dipper was the obvious choice), fought over who was sitting shotgun (me, obviously), and finally arrived with no time to spare.

Before we even entered the manor, I was the first to notice Mabel sitting on the steps, staring at the cement with a rather glum expression on her face.

"Mabel?" I asked, rushing forward. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." Mabel muttered. "Anyways, Dipper?" She looked over my shoulder, "our esteemed parents are leaving today. They want to speak with you beforehand."

Dipper sighed and ran a hand through his hair, visibly annoyed. "Yes, I see. Where are they?"

"The sitting room. Hurry and talk to them so they can get the hell outta here and we don't have to see them again." Mabel rose from the steps and adjusted her shirt. "Anyways," she said as Dipper entered the manor, "why are you two here? What's with the scary faces?"

Gideon answered for me. "It seems Dipper and Paz have some news for us, and before you get all excited, it's about some Reverse Falls weirdness."

Mabel frowned. "I thought we were done with all that. I mean, neither of us have our amulets anymore. And the creature is dead and gone."

"Something happened." I explained lightly. "We just need to have a discussion about it, and try to figure out what is going on."

"Although, it would be more helpful if Dipper was able to join us." Gideon snorted.

"Alright, let's go to the library." Mabel turned on her heel. "Dipper and I have a section just filled with supernatural books. Relics, ancient scrolls, so we can at least get a lead on that."

"It would be even better if we had the Journal." I sighed feeling upset that I had even left it in Piedmont. Although, I wasn't intended on coming back to Reverse Falls when I first started my road trip.

"Right." Mabel whistled, leading us toward the library. She took a halting second to listen in to the conversation. It was muffled, but no one was yelling just yet.

Once we were inside the library, Mabel led us to a very secluded area of it. Pushing open the double doors, she gave the room a once over and clapped her hands together. "Alright, spill, what's going on?"

"Shouldn't we wait for Dipper?" I asked.

"Actually, it would be better if you explained to us right now. That way the three of us can get a head start. Dipper might be awhile. You never know with our parents." Mabel sighed and shook her head.

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