54: lighten up, don't sober up

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After Dipper's and my discussion, we took a few minutes to collect ourselves before returning to the party.

Mabel spotted us at once. She darted over to where we re-entered the party, smiling. "Hey guys, where have you been?"

I eyed the drink in her hand. "How many of those have you had?"

Mabel rolled her eyes at me, "not enough."

"Clearly." Dipper scoffed, an amused smile playing onto his lips.

Mabel took another long sip of her drink before stopping like she remembered something. "Oh! Dipper, she's here."

I watched as Dipper's face scrunched up in confusion. "What?"

"That Red-Head-Wonder." Mabel nodded profusely. "I saw her heading in the direction where y'all went after you guys disappeared, but I guess she wasn't there."

"She's here?" Dipper's eyes scanned the room. "Where?"

Mabel shrugged. "Like I said, I dunno."

I looked over at Dipper, gauging the reaction on his face. He seemed calm. Seemed. "It's fine." I moved closer to Dipper. "It's fine if she's here."

Mabel eyed me, "oh? Well, okay!" She laughed, "I guess I thought things woulda been more tense."

"Everything is solved." I explained for Mabel. "There is absolutely nothing to worry about anymore. Now, we can just have fun!"

"After everything, I think it's about time we had fun." I looked at Mabel's drink again. "Can I try that?"

"Absolutely!" Mabel grinned. "C'mon, Dipshit, we oughta get ya a drink as well. I know that you need it."

The three of us made our way over to the makeshift bar that was set up in the kitchen. Massive props to Gideon for managing to set it all up without hearing about the party in advance. Bless that kid.

"Nothing too heavy, Mabes." Dipper shook his head as soon as Mabel reached for the heavy liquor. "I think as the hosts of this party, we have to keep our wits about us, wouldn't you say?"

Mabel frowned. "You're being mean, Dipshit. It's a party, lighten up, don't sober up."

"Better words have never been spoken." Gideon rolled up to where the three of us were. "Although, I've never drank before."

Dipper sighed dramatically. "I wouldn't have guessed."

"It's fun, Gids." I promised, "just make sure you're always with someone you trust, okay?"

Gideon nodded. "So, looks like I'm sticking with you, Paz."

Mabel fake pouted. "Aw, you don't trust me?"

"I still think you're a vampire, missy!" Gideon shot back, although it was obvious that he was teasing. "Anyways, who'da thought the four of us would become friends?"

I gave him a look and he quickly changed his statement. "I mean, Dipper and Paz were obvious from the start, but all of us?" He shook his head, "I guess it's nice."

Mabel nodded and thrusted a drink into his hands. "Yeah yeah, time for sentiments are over! It's fun time."

I nodded. "Sorry, Gids, but Dipper, Mabes, and I already got into the sentiments yesterday."

He took a small sip, and made a face. "First of all, this doesn't taste that great, and second of all, are you saying that the three of you got drunk without me?!"

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