21: you can gawk at the merchandise later

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I managed to drag Dipper's unconscious body through the woods and out of them. When we broke out of the woods, I was confused when we didn't end up at Gleeful Manor. We were at the Mystery Shack. But shaking my head, I managed to get him inside without anyone noticing.

I looked at the clock and my jaw almost dropped. It was nearly midnight. Just how long were we in the woods? I quickly laid Dipper down on the couch, hoping that no one, especially Janessa, would come downstairs and see this.

"Relax, Paz." I told myself. "Panicking isn't going to help Dipper. Just think back to your nursing class."

I quickly took Dipper's shirt off to give the wound a closer inspection. I felt heat rise in my cheeks as I stared at his bare chest. Shaking my head, I cursed myself. Paz! You can gawk at the merchandise later! Focus!

I grabbed the First Aid kit from the kitchen, almost surprised that the Mystery Shack held one, and rushed back to the unconscious Dipper. He looked sickly, and deathly pale. My hands shook as I poured rubbing alcohol onto a small cloth that was in the kit.

I managed to spill half the bottle on myself as well as the cloth. I began cleaning the blood off his chest, making sure to also clean the wound. I wished I knew what happened, but there was no doubt in my mind that that creature had done this to him.

"Hold on, Dipper." I whispered, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. "I'm going to save you."

I cleaned the wound some more before wrapping his chest up with gauze. Even with the cleaning, the blood still was seeping through the white paper. I never liked the sight of blood, but after taking a emergency class back at my school, I'd grown more comfortable.

A million thoughts ran through my head at that moment, but one rang loud and clear in my ears. My God, Dipper, you look so vulnerable.

"He's going to be fine," I whispered, as went to find a blanket. No way was I about to haul him back to Gleeful Manor, not when he was like this. The best thing for me to do, was to situate him on the couch, and change his bandages every hour.

I found a blanket in the corner of the living room and threw it over him. I took his shoes off and frowned.

No one would be comfortable sleeping in dress pants, but what would I do about that? I was already blushing like a madman when I took off his shirt! And what if he woke up while I was doing that?

As if it were happening, I blushed more fiercely and decided against the idea. When he was finally situated on the couch, I took a seat on the floor next to him, leaning against the base of the couch.

I didn't even want to look at myself, I knew I was a wreck. First, I'd been crying when I found Dipper with another girl after I came back for him, then he'd pushed me out of the way and I landed in the dirt, and finally I was a crying mess once again when I saw what happened to him.

Without a doubt, I knew I had twigs and leaves in my hair, as well as mud on my jean shorts and legs.

I had half a mind to take a quick shower, but I was worried that something would happen to Dipper and I wouldn't be there to help.

I flicked on the tv, kept the volume on low and watched. Although, I couldn't say I was really watching. My mind was racing with ideas, terrible thoughts, as well as concern for Dipper. He never got to tell me his logical explanation to why there was a girl in his room.

Wow, Paz, you're really thinking about that when he could be seriously injured?! I scolded myself. I heaved another sigh and looked to the clock that was hanging on the wall.

It had only been a half hour since I brought Dipper home, but it felt like forever. To my stomach it felt like forever. It just hit me that the last thing I ate was at dinner around 5:30. I definitely needed something to eat, as well as a cup of coffee if I were to watch Dipper all night.

I got up from where I was sitting on the floor and walked swiftly into the kitchen. Lucky for me, the cup of coffee I didn't finish that morning was still sitting on the counter. All I had to do was heat it up in the microwave for about a minute.

As for food, I quickly searched the fridge and found some leftover pizza from the first night I was there. I decided it was better to eat it cold and grabbed it. Not too long after, I grabbed my hot coffee from the microwave and went back out into the living room.

Dipper was still unconscious, but his breathing wasn't as shallow as it was earlier, so I considered that a plus. I took my seat on the floor and silently ate my food while watching a rerun of Back to The Future. At least it helped to brighten my spirits.

At least twice every minute I would turn to look at Dipper, who appeared to be sleeping soundly. I chuckled to myself, who would've thought this was where we'd end up tonight? I was absolutely set on leaving his jackass self behind, but now as I looked at him I knew the truth.

I'd probably never leave him behind again.

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