08: upcoming date with infamous heartbreaker

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The next morning I was the second one up. Gideon was the first.

I had stayed up late watching movies in the living room. I just needed to take my mind off of everything that had happened. So, I watched a bunch of Disney and Pixar movies until I fell asleep around 4 in the morning.

When I walked into the kitchen after getting 2 hours of sleep, my body immediately took me to the coffee machine. How did I know it was there? When you're tired, the body knows the best place to receive energy.

Gideon looked at me strangely as I began to pour coffee into a mug I found near the sink. "Well, good morning to you." He rolled his eyes. "How late were you up last night?"

I thought about it for a minute. "I think the last time I checked the clock it said 4."

"Jesus, Paz." Gideon groaned and handed me the carton of milk so I could use it in my coffee. "Why were you up that late?"

I gave him a look and realization struck him in only a matter of seconds. "Oh, Paz, do you wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head and sat down at the kitchen table.

Gideon took a seat next to me and we sat in silence for a few minutes before he decided to clear his throat and speak. "Pacifica, I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I didn't know that. . .I didn't think it would be this way."

I stayed quiet, not really wanting to relive that specific moment.

"Does Janessa know about your," he paused briefly, trying to find the right term for me and Dipper. "erm, ancient history?"

"No," I whispered. "She doesn't. And now, I'm not sure she'd really care." I scoffed and took a sip of my coffee, burning my tongue. "She's infatuated with him now."

"But they literally just met!" Gideon exclaimed.

"And how many other girls felt the same way after meeting him?" I shot at him. "I've seen it before, Gids."

Gideon placed his hand on my shoulder. "I see."

I groaned and laid my head on the table. "Why am I so stupid?"

"Paz," Gideon frowned. "You're not stupid, if anything Dipper is."

"Dipper is stupid." I muttered, then realizing that it was just like when I first met him. "Oh no ya don't." My head snapped up.

Gideon gave me a confused look. "What?"

"This is just like the first time I met Dipper!" I groaned. "Remember? I told you I hated him and then all I'd do is talk about the damn jerk."

Gideon rubbed the back of his head. "Right, so just don't think about him."

"Right." I nodded and I was stuck halfway between sarcasm and firmness.

A few minutes later, Janessa and Rachel came downstairs chattering about who knew what. But, judging by Janessa's face I could only guess she was talking about Dipper with Rachel once more. It made me feel nauseous.

"Morning Pacifica." Rachel and Janessa said in turn.

"You two look happy." Gideon commented, picking up a stray newspaper on the table.

"Well," Janessa smiled. "Dipper texted me back last night!"

Gideon almost did a spit-take and I wanted to punch him. Certainly, forget about Dipper then proceeds to ask Janessa what she's so happy about! I thought angrily.

"Oh," Gideon finally said. "That's cool."

Rachel nodded, "well what did he say?"

Janessa's smile managed to get bigger. "Well I waited up for awhile for him to text me back and he finally did around 11 or something. And we talked for another hour and a half about ourselves."

I took another long sip of my coffee. It was going to be a long day.

Gideon nodded. "And?"

Janessa practically squealed aloud. "And we're going on a date tonight!"

I dropped my coffee mug and it fell to the floor.

Rachel and Janessa shrieked when it hit the ground, shattering on impact.

"Sorry," I muttered. "I'll clean it up."

* * *

As the day progressed, Janessa talked non stop about her upcoming date with infamous heartbreaker, Dipper Gleeful. And I was learning how not to care about it. With each passing moment, it seemed to get a little bit easier.

"Did you know that he sometimes lives in France?" Janessa asked both me and Rachel. By this point, we were both slightly annoyed. "Isn't that amazing? Oh! Maybe he'll ask me to go to France with him!"

"Yeah, that's great, Nessa." Rachel yawned. "So when is this date of yours?"

Janessa looked at her phone. "He should be on his way over here."

"Wait," I held up my hands to signal her to stop. "You told him that you were staying here?"

"Well yeah." Janessa nodded. "I told him I was staying here with some friends for the time being. But now I think I wanna stay forever."

The urge to throw up grew stronger with each word she said. Rachel seemed to be getting the same idea. Before Janessa could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. My heart didn't speed up like I thought it would and it gave me hope that I would be fine.

"Well?" Rachel turned to Janessa. "Aren't you gonna get the door?"

"No! Someone else has to, and then tell him I'm almost done getting ready!" Janessa shoved Rachel toward the door. "Go!"

"Why can't Pacifica?" Rachel asked.

"Because I asked you." Janessa groaned. "Just do it!"

Rachel swiftly opened the door and I waited in the living room, watching Janessa's face light up as she headed up the stairs when we heard his voice.

"Hey, you must be Dipper." Rachel couldn't help but stumble slightly over her words. Dipper tended to have that effect on people. "You're here for Janessa."

"Yes, I am." He replied. "And she is. . .?"

"Finishing getting ready." Rachel explained. "Do you wanna come inside?"

"Yes." was his answer and I began to panic. What if he saw me?

Rachel led him inside and I quickly made a dive for the chair, snatching up a newspaper to block my face from his view.

"So, when do you think she'll be ready?" Dipper asked as he entered the living room. "I have reservations."

"Oh, a few minutes." Rachel fibbed, rolling her eyes. "Make yourself comfortable, I guess."

Dipper looked around the living room for a place to sit and I could feel it when his eyes landed on me. "Hello." He said.

I nodded from behind the newspaper, knowing if I spoke he could recognize my voice. And I didn't want to go through that today.

"C'mon, Paz," Rachel rolled her eyes in my direction. "You can at least say hi to the guy before Janessa drags him outta here." She looked kindly at Dipper, "she's a nice girl."

I lowered the newspaper slowly and my heart stopped. Standing right in front of me, there he was. Dipper Gleeful.

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