15: this relationship is a two-way street

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After my little discussion at the dinner table with Dipper, I was a little on edge. I was surprised that Rachel and Janessa didn't pick up on the subtle hint at Dipper. Once again, only Mabel, Dipper and I knew something that they didn't.

"I hate horror movies!" Janessa as she curled up closer to Dipper. "They scare me so much."

I rolled my eyes in disgust at the two of them.

Granted, they weren't together, but Janessa was throwing herself onto him like a seagull on an empty chip bag in the middle of the parking lot on a sweltering summer day.

But Dipper actually seemed to be enjoying Janessa's little scared act, while Rachel, Mabel and I didn't. He put an arm around her. "It's a movie, Ness," he chuckled using a nickname on her which she blushed hard at, "nothing real about it."

I could've sworn I saw his eyes shift over to me for a millisecond, but when I looked back at him, his eyes were locked on the screen, waiting for the movie to start. I glanced over at Mabel, and she nodded, giving me conformation that he actually did look at me. Her plan was working.

I bit my lip and continued to suffer in silence, occasionally eating popcorn that Rachel had made with help from one of the Gleefuls' servants. But Rachel didn't want to be there at all, so she her eyes were glued to her phone screen and she only looked up every few seconds to see what was happening.

"Creepy stuff like this isn't real?" Janessa asked, looking up into Dipper's eyes with a pleading look like she was five or something. It was ridiculous.

Dipper glanced down at her and shook his head. "Have you ever seen anything like the plots from the movies?"

I have. I thought bitterly which reminded me that I still needed to investigate the creature that stalked Reverse Falls. If all else failed, I'd have to ask Mabel for help and seeing since we were friends now, it gave me a sense of hope that she would help.

Rachel scoffed from where she was sitting. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one finding Janessa's act to be annoying. And another glance at Mabel proved that Rachel and I weren't the only ones.

"Well," Janessa looked dow, "no, I haven't."

Dipper smiled at her and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. A gesture he used to do with me many times before. And he said, "well then you know that there's nothing to be scared of. It's Hollywood producers trying to make false fear."

"And you know genuine fear?" Rachel scoffed once more, it looked like she didn't find Dipper as charming as she used to.

"I'm pretty sure you were at the Tent of Telepathy." Dipper chuckled. "I'll tell you, that is where people experience genuine fear."

Now it was my turn to scoff, but I did so quietly as not to draw attention to myself. Of course Dipper was up to his old antics again. It took me back to when he would try to scare me on 75 different fronts.

As the movie began, Rachel tapped my shoulder and leaned close to my ear. "Okay, what the hell is up with Nessa?" She whispered, jerking her thumb towards a blushing Janessa, who was still curled up against Dipper's chest.

"I dunno." I lied. "I can't say I like it though."

"She's been acting so helpless ever since we met this Dipper Gleeful." She commented, keeping her voice low so Janessa and Dipper wouldn't hear.

"Dipper tends to have that effect on people." I replied, matching her tone.

"And you would know this because. . ?"

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