52: you would've been here tonight with me, not her

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   The three (well I guess four) of us un-linked our arms and turned to look at Scarlett. I had to admit, she looked absolutely beautiful. Her hair was up in a top-knot, and the black dress accented the complete mystery that she was.

   But I felt Pacifica's uneasiness at my side.

   "What are you doing here?" was my first question.

   "Uh, duh! You invited me, remember?" Scarlett scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest in a defiant manner. "Don't tell me that you don't remember. At the mall, we ran into each other?"

   I remembered it all too well, I just hadn't known she was serious. "Right, I just assumed you were joking."

   "Well don't assume. Assuming makes an ass outta you and me." She rolled her eyes and rubbed her arm.

   The four of us stood there in awkward silence for a moment, before Scarlett of course, changed the subject. "Well, I hope you gals don't mind if I borrow him for a sec, right?"

   Without waiting for a reply, she grabbed onto my arm rather harshly and pulled me away from my sister and Pacifica.

   Once we were a distance away, Scarlett started talking once more. "May I have this dance?" She asked in a fake posh accent, clearly making fun of me for talking so formally all the time.

   "I didn't know you knew how to dance." I attempted to sound calm. I had no idea what this was about, but I was slightly worried about how Pacifica would feel if I was with Scarlett, alone, for so long. I knew I wasn't going to do anything, but I was nervous about how Paz would feel.

   "Eh, I get the gist of it." Scarlett shrugged and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Besides, what's wrong with two friends dancing? Clearly no one has an issue with the fact that your girl's dancing with your sister."

   I looked over to see what she was talking about and smiled. Of course Mabel would be trying to keep Paz's mind off me being Scarlett for as long as possible. She was, by definition, a good sister

   "Well as far as I'm concerned, Pacifica and Mabel have no past romantic history." I clarified.

   "Oh? So we had romantic history?" Scarlett cocked a brow. "Anyways, I came here for a reason."

   "So it wasn't just to make me uncomfortable?" I couldn't help but quip.

   "Ha effin ha." Scarlett rolled her eyes. "I came here to ask about that voicemail you left me not too long ago."

   I remembered it all too well. It was when I believed that I was going to die. I thought I would've been dead by the next morning, so I wanted to tell Scarlett everything I needed to.

   "You don't have amnesia, do ya?" She glowered at me. "You sounded panicked. I just assumed that you were drunk or high, but your voice was all too clear. Like you knew something bad was going to happen to you."

   As the music picked up its tempo, so did our dancing, and so did the conversation. I spun her around once or twice before answering her question.

   "I don't have amnesia." I replied carefully. "I remember what you're talking about. But the situation that called for me to call you, it didn't go the way I expected. So, I would disregard the voicemail."

   "And the part where you told me that you loved me?"

   I hesitated. I felt that this was too real. Had I said that? Looking back in my memories, I tried to remember exactly what I had told Scarlett before heading out to my supposed (although never happening) death.

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