41: I suppose I'll just have to pay my dues

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Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gideon running over to me. I felt particularly helpless. Mabel and her badass self was fighting a mythical creature with magic and her bare hands. And me? What was I doing?

I felt like I wasn't doing anything. Then Gideon darted up to me.

"Paz, where the hell is Dipper's amulet? I need it right now!" Gideon demanded, grabbing at my arm, tugging me a little further away from the epic battle happening between magic and magical.

"Right here." I pulled it out of my pocket and stared at the cool blue stone in my palm. "Get me over to Dipper, right now."

Gideon paled. "Yeah, yeah, um okay. I just hope that thing stays distracted by Mabel's legit awesomeness."

"Yeah, she's great." I agreed as we raced over to where Dipper was. And he wasn't looking too good. I felt my stomach churning.

"Did you get it?" Dipper's wheezy-sounding voice asked. "Hand it over."

"You're not going to die on me." I told him. "You cannot die on me. We have a date, you're not getting out of that too easily, Mason Alex Gleeful."

Dipper raised a brow. "Wouldn't dream of it, Pazzie, now please, if you want me to live, hand my amulet over."

Realizing that he could be dead any minute now, I nearly threw the amulet in his direction and prayed for the best. I had spent too much of my time without him, being angry at him, thinking I hated him again after how he spent his time with my now ex-best friend Janessa.

A few moments passed and I finally had enough courage to look back at Dipper. My heart thudded in my chest so loud that I feared it echoed throughout the cave walls.

Dipper was lying against the wall, eyes closed as if he were asleep, and I really hoped he was.

"Dipper?!" I exclaimed, almost throwing myself at him. I bent down to his level and pressed two fingers to his neck to check if he had a pulse. Sighing in relief when I found it, I turned back to Gideon. "How's Mabel's fight going?"

Gideon hardly took his eyes off her. "I'd love to help her, but I feel like I'd just get in her way. Damn, I will never ever pick a fight with Mabel Gleeful. Ever."

"I wouldn't dream of it." I looked back down at Dipper. "Look, we need to get him out of here, but I don't really see a way of doing that just yet."

Dipper grumbled in his state of unconsciousness, and I bent down next to his face again, trying to wake him. "Dipper, please, wake up."

"Maybe he's your sleeping beauty." Gideon offered. "A magic kiss might wake him."

"This is serious, Gideon!" I shook my head, trying to think of a way to get out of the cave with all of my friends (and my boyfriend) intact.

"You might as well try it."

Rolling my eyes, I pressed a quick kiss to Dipper's lips, hoping to prove to Gideon that his idea was the most stupidest thing ever mentioned.

"See?" I scoffed and stood back up. "That was the most--"


Gideon snorted. "Look, Sleeping Beauty's awake."

Dipper, although he just barely roused from unconsciousness, glared hard at Gideon. "I beg your pardon, Pines?"

"Look," I jumped in. "We really have to figure a way out of this whole mess. Do you have any--"

"Gideon and I already came up with a plan." Dipper interrupted. "Before I nearly bled out. Isn't that right, Gideon?"

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