Float by ToastedBagels

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Float by ToastedBagels

Seventeen-year-old Waverly Lyons is from Vermont; she doesn’t do sun. But after her divorced parents can’t agree on who gets to have her for the summer, Waverly gets shipped off to Holden, Florida to spend a couple months with her aunt, Rachel. Her hopes for the perfect summer seem crushed. Then she meets Blake Hamilton, Rachel’s seventeen-year-old neighbor. He’s athletic, outgoing, arrogant, tan, and pretty much Waverly’s exact opposite. She's eager to avoid him at all costs, hoping to fit in with the other kids in Holden without drawing too much attention to herself. But when Blake discovers that Waverly has been hiding the rather embarrassing secret that she can’t swim, he does the unthinkable: he offers to teach her.


One of the stars of Teen Fiction ^^... Blake is such. An. A**hole in the beginning! I laughed pretty hard at some parts... (Which might be worrying because they weren''t meant to be funny... Just me?) One of th best things i love about it is that the descriptions are SO VIVID! I would kill to swap descriptive skills with the author. Though I wouldn't think that she would want my non- existent ones. Hmph. Anyways... Waverly is SUCH A COOL NAME. Totally off topic but who cares?This book just makes you want to vote. I'm not a very votey person so I went overboard (If you stalk me, which you do XD, you'll see my latest votes >.<) Oh and is it just me or do all the male leads have uber arrogant personalities... Must be what's hot these days XD~ Soo, read it, because you're a nice person and I asked you to ^_^ x

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