Darkest Desires by ilovepoombah

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Darkest Desires by ilovepoombah

“From this day forward, you will not look at me, talk to me or even speak about me. We are no longer mates. You are dead to me.” Jackie Winters has never known what love feels like. The two people that were supposed to love her treated her like dirt. Her mother hated her for something she didn't do. Her sister tormented her for her own amusement. And yet, the one person that she counted on the most ... didn't care for her. And it one night, Jackie's whole life changes. What happens when her old pack comes looking for her? Run, hide or fight? It has been five years after all ... surprises are sure to pop up any time.

I was recommended this by a reader..... Being me, I checked it out! And it's am-azing!!!  It's kinda like the usual werewolf mate rejection... But not. If you catch my drift... That's what's so good about it. So many things just clash together to create this knot of a problem that a girl, with a son, has to solve and untie. It's amazing. AMAZING!

Oh and realised that i've been picking more of the books with updates? No? Well you have now. Usually I pick completed books but lately i've been picking unfinished books so.... Sad part coming.... You can read those books, and wait for those updates instead of this book :'(. Yes it's a recommendations book but let me have my moment -_-...

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