The Duke's Lady by Lissa34

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The Duke's Lady by Lissa34

Holly was the youngest of ten kids, and the most beloved daughter of Lord John Campton. She befriends the Duke and Duchess's only daughter at the age of fourteen. After a near death experience, she was saved by her knight in shinning armor. William the future Duke of Lancaster, was bewitched by a pair of sea green eyes. The only problem was she was only fourteen. He had to put her behind him and look some where else for his future Duchess. Holly was head over heels in love with Lindsay's oldest brother. With the help of her friend, she is launched into society and soon has many suitors vying for her attention. Would that be enough to win her the heart she yearns for? Will she become the Duke's Lady? or will she just be left broken hearted?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! I can't WAIT for more! I usually don't like unfinished books, because I hate waiting for updates. But this one just ya know? Pulled me in. Literally. It was on my 'recommended' and I love Wattpad for showing me this book! You guys HAVE TO read it! If you don't then.... You will regret it foreverrrr. Please. I need an update! I. Am. Literally. Dying. Here! Update please? x 

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