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Making a bet that Nassiah being offensive is a part of him. Just ask anyone he meets .I'm sure I'll win, So when Mac wanted to really bet 50 dollars on that yesterday I didn't turn it down persay.

Now I used it to my favor, It's always the same shit with Nassiah. Every time he questions his sexuality he gets defensive, So how was the movies really going to work? It didn't I called that shit off after another argument we had maybe Wednesday or Thursday, then Mac blabbed about me having plans with Vernon he wanted to talk so we went out for lunch on Friday , that's what cued the argument talking bout your boyfriend got my money and he
Was talking all this hot shit, see I fought him one time last week but this one I really got mad. I haven't gotten mad like that sense I was a youngin, I had to leave his bitch ass alone. I was laying in my bed half listening to what Arnold ugly ass was talking about,

"You just be fucking with niggas that stress you all the way the fuck out" he started "and either straight or in the closet" he added I waved off his lecturing because I knew it was true,most the people I fall for never did any good for me; but not everything you do is beneficial to your life.

"And lil nigga marquees only cares so he can come out to his family without being the only one" he added. His reasoning made sense but then again it didn't,Mac isn't going to come out because something not even he would tell me. I didn't pry Mac sucked at secrets, as I was on FaceTime a new number came up which was probably Mac himself, my sister just left with my niece for some bullshit but I let it rock.

"Lemme call you back" I said and answered the incoming call as I did the female from the shop that one day filled the screen. Her smile soon filled her face with cheering.

"Ooou best friend I thought Mac wasn't really gonna give me your number" she said and I smiled back at her she was amusing that was for sure.

"Technically you could've asked Nassiah" I started and her face scrunched up before she curses a few times.

"He wasn't trying give it to me, he hate when I know the people he know he say I'm always in his business" she started

"Oh,so why did you want it?" I asked

"Well duh because i need to talk shit" she added I had a best friend for sure but not one like her, my girl best friend name was Bailey she played mad sports and I just had to go to her games.

"Damn what happened?"

"So I'm messing with some boy name Von, you know Donnie older brother?"

"Ion know Donnie"

"Well he'll come home soon, and Basically Von got some hoe pregnant! Lied for nine months- than when she had twins he said only one of them his. Mind you they both look just like him" I smacked my lips together, these males really ain't good for nothing.

"Let him and his family go, playing step mommy ain't finna be fun" I mumbled she kept talking about how her week went and I half
Listened much like I did with Arnold.

"Oh best friend you go with vernon? His stupid black ass"I couldn't help but laugh at that but it wasn't true so it didn't bother me.

"Nah niggas be lying"

"Well you don't go with Nas right?" She asked and then got silent.

"Nah like I said niggas be lying" she nodded for a little bit before looking back at the camera.

"But Mac said" I knew this nigga couldn't keep a secret. "And I could see it, it took a year for Nas to acknowledge me as a friend and y'all buddy buddy from whet Mac told me"

"He's a bratt, Ion have time for that" I said truthfully although I had work with him in about a hour.

"Well let's think about it, Maybe dick is the cure to his attitude problem- maybe it's you" she said as I set the phone on my bed already taking a shower the night before because I get lazy in the mornings I just needed to get dressed now.

"Or maybe that's just his personality"

"Nah cause everyone who know him seen that side where he's not acting like a angry big bitch who wants a Twinkie" I listened to her reasoning and then thought for a moment obviously logic wasn't in then conversation it was what she thought best.

"Maybe but I'll catch you later I gotta go to work"

Walking into the shop surprisingly Nassiah was here before me not surprisingly he had an attitude.

"I know you ain't hang up on me earlier to talk to ya hoes" Arnold started.

"Nah Ian but my fault bro what was you talking about?"

"My neighbor look a lil fruit if you trying find a new nigga" he started bursting out into laughter I pushed him laughing a bit as well- maybe I'd actually take up on that offer.


Stupid ass people, my uncle wanted me to open so the shop didn't open until 11, that wasn't only because of my pounding headache but also because I had to do a few runs this morning. Marquees thinks he is so fucking smart, I think him and Alonso have something going on but they don't want to tell me.

Yeah I call people faggots a lot but I don't got a problem with him unless they keep that gay shit from me- or Alonso.

But it could be that I was never friend with a gay person before, maybe they make Niggas feel some type of way because they know what they be doing. But if Mac and Alonso did talk I needed to hear it from Alonso. Not marquees because he will deny until someone else confirms it. To bad he's ignoring me- that ain't have shit to do with me His nigga owe me money-wait a minute If he goes with Vernon he can't go with mac. Them niggas know a secret.

  "You heard me?" I looked up at Alonso who seemed to be handing me some useless paper.

  "Why you and Mac be whispering?"

"Mane you love minding my business" he obviously had an attitude today,like I said I have no clue what it has to do with me.

  "I'm just wondering cause you go with Vernon and you be real friendly with my blood like I won't fuck you up" his eyes rolled at the end of my sentence which made me even more pissed off a bit he had me fucked up.

  "Mane ion go with him I'm trying go with your rude ass" he started my eyes darted away from him as I got a sort of funny feeling "but you treat me bad so I dubbed it" he added and I felt my shoulders slump.

  "Sure it wasn't the fact that ion swing that way?" I grumbled crossing his arms.

  "Nah you would for me, but I said bills due and ya unc said you have to take care of it, I was trying help you but you ain't wanna listen" he said his attitude returning.

  "Ion need your help"

"Don't catch no attitude with me"

"Nigga you started it, suck my dick" he licked his lips leaning over the desk as he looked down my body to my lap

"Want me too?" My face heated up as his eyes slowly went back up my body and he sent me a wink-"thought so pa, but it's okay these little girls you be fucking with ain't got shit on me" he added as he backed away from the counter a bit.

  "Leave me the fuck alone" I complained

"Shit don't have to tell me twice, when I don't pay attention to you ion get called a faggot" see I said leave me alone he was dragging it a bit, I just waved him off though because he would probably get joy knowing that it got a reaction out of me. He already tried to get my dick on brick.

  "Yeah well that's what you are, fuck else you want me to call you" he just walked away shaking his head at my comment probably leading to another weak of him ignoring me.

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