Thirty- Five

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Next day, 10 am.

For the first time ever, I slept over at Nassiah's house- it was really, Tas'hania . The punches in his wall were covered by posters or whatever the hell, but other than that you could tell Tash decorated it. It wasn't light but it wasn't dark colors either, but it sure as fuck wasn't Nassiah. I was trying to get him to stay at my house but my father being a cop and Nassiah not being able to part with his loaded gun- I made the choice to stay over here,really because I couldn't let him out of my sight. I was terrified. Maybe Nassiah was right though- because if someone shot him- maybe I would become a killer. I wouldn't like to believe so, but than I think about if I saw that Lock nigfa really shoot him in the head- I probably would've shot him dead then and there. But that's my business, if anything this whole experience made me closer to Nassiah. Well more clingy- he didn't seem to mind at the moment but one day he will wake up and decide he still doesn't wanna be gay. I also couldn't sleep, I don't know why I couldn't I just couldn't-  I took a shower got dressed and everything. Even laid back down with Nassiah sleepy ass but nothing. I couldn't sleep last night but that wasn't a problem because Nassiah knocked out around 4- I maybe got a few hours of sleep than I woke up when Maurice called me about some breakfast, had to decline but we've been texting here and there.  From under my arms I felt Nassiah shift, but I knew he wasn't gonna be getting up- he slept like a fucking rock. 

     BANGBANG BANGBANGBANG the knock at the door was loud and consistent. "Get the door" he whined but the knocking continued and that's when he was getting aggravated- "Alonsoooooo" he whined pushing me away from him.

   "aLoNsOoOoOoooo" I mocked but when I got up from the bed he complained about being cold, I walked out of his room and towards the door- I checked the windows and saw Tas'hania's car but I didn't hear her voice or nothing so I was thinking- couldn't be her. I finally swung the door open and I stood corrected.

   "Nassi- oh Lonso even better" she said sniffing a bit, it was obvious she's been crying-

   "You okay?" I asked shutting the door as she just walked in and towards Nassiah's bedroom- good I'll let her get him up. I went to get some apple juice from the fridge before heading back to the room-

"Leave me the fuck alone are you fucking stupid?" Nassiah yelled and that was another reason why I let her wake him up, I washed my cup than walked into the room and saw her laying where Nassiah was looking at the ceiling.

"ALONSOO" he yelled as if he felt me coming I was in the doorway seconds later. "Why'd you let her in?" He said a bit of a pout coming out.

"If I wasn't so distraught I would be happy for you two" Tas'hania whined.

"T what's wrong?" She let out a sigh and than a cry came out with it.

"Mane what the fuck I'm tired" Nassiah's insensitive ass whined. He got up pushing past me and went into the bathroom- stupid ass so I took his spot on the bed laying next to Tash.

"These Street niggas ain't shit" she confirmed I let out a bit of a laugh.

"Tell me about it" I mumbled

"Ain't no fucking tell me about it!" Nassiah yelled behind his bathroom door.

"Stupid ass Von got some bitch pregnant I should've knew these niggas all the same" she huffed the toilet flushed and water ran for a long ass time.

"So you guys broke up?"

"Yes! I'm not bout to be no step momma to that ugly ass kid- fuck him, fuck these streets fuck these niggas- I don't need them" she said I pushed my body against the bedstand so I wasn't laying down and whipped away her tears that were falling.

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