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I woke up early maybe 5 am, I had work well technically not until 8- I was glad to be back in my own bed where the only memories were fucking bitches and sleeping not no other shit. It wasn't until later the other night I realized I really did some gay shit- and Ian like the thought of me myself being duked in the butt by a whole bunch of faggot ass niggas.

I talked to Donnie yesterday around 8, I missed my homeboy- not like I can talk to him about this shit, he wasn't a dickhead about this shit I don't think but like I said I don't need the fact i did some fag shit just out there. This was one time I can keep it to myself,Another reason why I can't sleep is because I'm suppose to be bitched out by Alonso? Hell fucking no- his little boyfriend still meeting the end of my mother fucking gun. I got a whole mark on my
Head he lucky it's not a knott, or I would've knotted his intestines after I cut them out for his punk ass to see what happens when he do dumb shit.

     See now my mind was racing my blood was boiling and niggas would be at the trap,revenge bitch.  I got dressed in something simple because I would come back and change anyway then jogged down the stairs.

The ride to the block at this time was always quiet, only people that were out where the real money makers- the ones who wouldn't flash their money and the ones who won't be able to sleep, I spun the block once around the corner before driving past his house once more slower this time which seemed to get his attention because I could see the door creak in my review mirror. Turning the corner I set my gun on my lap getting ready when I got back on that street and as I did I rolled down the window and bullets flew out, I shot until the clip emptied then sped off taking back roads and extra shit to get back to my house- now work.


I walked through the doors of work yawning a bit my uncle was in the shop area watching the t.v with Tash who was probably at home making a wig so came here to make it.

"You know when your shift start isn't fucking optional" my uncle starts. He was gonna go again but the commercial cut off back to the news. Shooting early this morning near Rockwell gardens neighbors called in about bullets being heard then car screeching leaving the scene. One man rushed to the hospital being shot in his chest but he is stable at the moment. I heard Tash smack her lips together before her eyes side eyed me and she went to the desk where I seen her mannequin   she had set up a chair next to mine, I went to mine and she just kept looking at me.

  "Say whatever you wanna say before I get mad"

   "You not fucking low that's all imma mother fucking say, my best friend gonna be mad you shot that boy when he put it together" my eyes looked up at Alonso who was in his own world cutting someone's hair and talking to them.

  "Mane fuck you talking about?"

"Idiot. Alonso likes you so as best friends we bring you up, sometimes because most times you're just an ass and last time we talked he was saying you got something with Vernon and you wanna do something but he's thinking long term you think irrationally-like now he's gonna be pissed how are you gonna fix it" I scrunched my nose up how anything she said had to end with me fixing it? I don't have the problem anymore.

   "I'm not kissing his ass so his feelings aren't hurt. He better stop this crush while he's ahead" I mumbled back as I pulled my phone from my pocket.

  "You're cappin don't come to me for help now" she said smacking her gum, I didn't need her help because I didn't give to shits about how that boy felt about what I did.should've picked my side,it usually goes my way.

"Why is everyone acting like I did something so bad, Vernon owe me because he stole from me, but I got locked I couldn't do nothing- he had a year to get that shit. Careless ass motherfucking bitch" I felt myself getting mad again.

"Relax I know how you are, I tried to tell him that but he's just as stubborn as you" she said before humming a bit-

"How I am? How am I?" I didn't know to take offense or not. Let's just say she's lucky she is who she is-

"You're selfish and hotheaded, that's why you and Donnie are so so close because he accepts your bad decisions because he's doing them aswell" she added. "Why you hate coming to me about stuff because I tell you about yourself, but see Alonso does something else because you let him get away with it" I felt my face heat up. I've noticed that aswell and it's frustrating because it's like by the time I want to say something is when he's gone and I finally remember that I was mad at him, or he said something out of pocket.

Work itself went by semi quick it was two and slow and Tash left due to her finishing her wig and needed to start another one she said she'd be back but we know how she gets. I saw Alonso packing up his station a bit before putting his coat on.where the fuck he going? He must've seen me staring because he made his way over to me.

"You coming too? Why you acting weird?" He asked he looked at his phone for a long time then back at me before replying. See I could be acting weird because when I see his face I see my dick in his mouth at times. Or I shot his boyfriend and we knew Vernon was going to run to snitch to Alonso at least.

" yeah I want food" I replied slowly he just nodded and motioned for me to follow him as he walked away. It took me a moment but I walked out to his car and he was on the phone, I was gonna hesitate to open the door but I don't think he can really get that mad- I could've shot him. I opened the door and his eyes slowly darted to me when I got in, he looked good. Maybe after doing gay stuff you start thinking more gay because when I'm this close to him it's like I want to be- on him. I scrunched my face up at my own thoughts. I was acting like a whole faggot.

"Yeah I'll stop by and see him later, I don't know who would've did that shit we stopped chilling a while ago ma. But imma think about it" his voice was dry and emotionless after he hung up he dropped his phone in the cup holder. I looked at him expecting him to start yelling but we stayed in silence for a bit.
To long it made me nervous- felt like I was getting sentenced again.

"Alo" I mumbled he just shut his eyes his fist clenching the wheel, he's mad.

"You're fucking impossible" he mumbled his eyes still closed.

"Fuck you" I don't know why him saying that got me so mad. But it did usually I could feel myself getting mad but that just happened, it was there as soon as the words left my mouth. He chuckled shaking his head

"Right fuck me" he said bitterly. "You're out of your mind, one step forward 20 back"

"How is this 20 back?"

  "You got to be serious?" I blinked he was pissing me off, like yeah I shot him but you sucked my dick -  had me doing gay ass shit and he wanna be mad at this, I should be mad at him. I'm fucking straight.

  "So if you care so much about him then maybe you should suck his dick instead" and just like that I started the argument. Alonso must've not have seen that coming because his mouth shut within seconds.

   "You don't even swing this way, you don't listen and you clearly don't give a shit about anything but what you want to do- so maybe I will" I felt my hand punch him in his head.

"Fucking faggot ass nigga" I mumbled before getting out the car. I wasn't mad it was something else, all I know his hoe ass gonna be feeling like this next- i fuck bitches and last time I checked he liked me.

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