Forty- Five

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"Nassiah, it's one night you never cared about staying with me before" I argued back as i helped him put his things in the car. He was being difficult- technically he could go home. Maybe I mean who knows - but I needed him for sure. I couldn't tell him that due to the reason why. So I had to make it seem like I was worried about his safety- I was but for more other reasons.

" yeah because now you acting like I need protection- I'm a big boy" he argued crossing his arms over his chest I rubbed my face. I was exhausted- every time I closed my eyes I saw the blood leaking from his body. His lifeless eyes looking up at me, I shivered at my own thoughts tuning back in. "What's good with you?" Nassiah asked as he studied my face.

   "You got jumped and left for dead I got a lot on my mind- get in the car please" I mumbled more to myself but I know he heard me. He sighed reluctantly and got in the car not saying anything. In the worst part of all of this- Nassiah was right. I shouldn't have done that but my why's held weight so I couldn't really regret it- because if I didn't, Nassiah would've tried- and what if he got hurt worse.? See love was a trick ass bitch because if I didn't love him I would've never did it- I wouldn't shoot someone after they shot me but I did it for Nassiah? Another thing is it scared me how much I care about the boy- what if he doesn't care half as much? Like I said Love isn't fun and games.

     I got in the car heading towards my house, Nassiah was talking about how Donnie was still trying to plot things on niggas- he told me to act as if we never did anything- like Lock is still around until he got all the niggas who were involved. But how long could I keep this from him ? forever? "Why aren't you listening when I speak?" He asked as I stopped at the red light. I looked over towards him and he was already grilling me. I placed a small kiss on his lips only for him to roll his eyes at me. "You finna piss me off" he grumbled looking back out the window.

     "And oh Melanie is there- so try not to be mean yeah?" I asked as I started driving again.

   "Your little girlfriend? Got it" see I knew Tas'hania couldn't keep her mouth shut.

  "She's not my girlfriend"

"I'm not ya boyfriend and you be acting pretty comfortable around me- but continue" I was thrown off a bit at the words but exhaled- he was right I needed to make things official

"Nassiah don't start your shit" I side eyed him. "You not my baby?" I asked and I saw his face heat up. "That's why I thought- now continue" I mocked his words but he smacked his lips together.

   "That was funny? Oh I didn't think so" I didn't understand what he got out of arguing with me so much. It's like he loved to push my buttons just so he could sit pretty on my dick later. Due to his multiple stitches inside and outside of his body the doctor said wait a week or so- it seemed that Nassiah who was just straight two months ago has a bigger problem with that then me. Usually I didn't let his words phase me the petty arguments and stuff because I knew our place- but I had to much on my mind to deal with Nassiah's games- I think he was noticing that as well.

   I pulled into my driveway and saw Nassiah typing away on his phone. I studied the stitches across his face, he was basically scar from Lion King now but I would be lying if I said it made him look bad- pa looked meaner than he already was. I got out the car and grabbed his bag waiting for him to get out so I could lock the door but he was taking his time. "I can't even smoke here- I need a blunt Alonso" he started

   "You can smoke in my room- C'mon" I guess I shouldn't have said that because that lead to a raised eyebrow.

   "You hate the smell of smoke" he pointed out I only hummed in response locking my car after he finally shut the door. When I opened the front door I heard voices- not surprising when I left to get Nassiah- Tas'hania was here with Melanie and Maurice. Even Maurice had something slick to say about the girl so I was curious to why nobody liked her.

   "You finna walk in or not?" I asked before Nassiah finally walked in the house once he heard Tas'hanias voice he picked up the pace. I picked the worst time to move out of my sisters house- I couldn't talk with this about Melanie,she wasn't a opp but who knew how she would react; my whole life I've voiced how terrible shooting and killing someone in the streets was. I was actively against becoming my father and I just did something that he had trained my for my whole life- she told me moving here changed me and truthfully it did.

   I exhaled locking my door and finally joining the others in the living room. "Wow Nassiah the scar fits you- now you look like a villain for real" Maurice started and Nassiah bucked at him a bit

  "I can give you one if you want Macy" he said sitting down next to Tash. 

   "Yeah her first" he mumbled making me snicker at the pettiness.

    "I'm Melanie nice to meet you" Melly finally spoke up when I sat down next to Nassiah. It seemed like everyone was waiting for his response and truthfully I was aswell.

    "Nassiah" he responded

"Oh, everyone has been talking about you a lot- are you and Alonso really close or something?" She asked- about that I still didn't know what to tell her about our relationship. Nassiah was barely out if you asked me and he only really claimed me when he felt threatened.

   "I mean we fuck sometimes" he said "I beat up Moses because he tried to fuck him.  My kids be chillen in his mouth but I don't know what do you consider close?" He asked uninterested in the conversation as I put my arm around the back of the couch I smacked his head causing him to hiss. Melanie's face go  bright red as he talked but the other two found this hilarious.

   "You beat Maurice up?  He's a sweetheart- and I thought you and Alonso were just friends" She asked Maurice  to piece it together. "Boo you never told me you had a boyfriend! I didn't know you still consider it" she added

   "Oh me and Alonso are just friends for sure-  you and Alonso...." he trailed off sipping his drink.

    "Well he just did- act accordingly" Nassiah added.

   "Wait wait wait- Alonso you hate your birth dad so went and dated someone just like him? I'm sorry Nassiah you might be a nice person but does nobody see the irony?" She questioned.

   "He's not just like him Mel" she rolled her eyes cutting me off.

   "No no I'm sure he's great, but he obviously got that scar on his face from someone. He beat up your friend and you're trying to tell me that this isn't a bit concerning"

   "You getting a bit to judgy- I'll beat your ass" Tas'hania added. "Nassiah got his issues but Alonso a grown ass man"

  "I didn't mean disrespect but if you are trying to fix everyone who's fixing you Alonso? Huh?" She questioned before waving me off and probably going to her room.

   "Damn Nassiah you fought me three times but she called Alonso boo and nothing?" Maurice instigated. Nassiah only smacked his lips together;

   "He's right I should've let Tash beat her ass- next time she come out her mou" I cut him off by placing a kiss on his lips.

  "Yeah I know I know- imma talk to her" I exhaled rubbing my face.

    "You lucky Monse- I don't gotta beat ya ass no more cause you know better. But I will do it for fun" Nassiah grumbled getting up. "Come on T we gotta go cop up,I'll be back when you figure out ya pest problems Zo" he said walking out of the room.


- yk im one for all sides so let's think about this from Melanie. Maybe she just worried about Alonso?

- how long y'all think Alonso can keep what he did a secret?

- why you think Nassiah ain't snap on shawty?

-LMAOO peep how upset Maurice was when he ain't snap on shawty☹️

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