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Four days later, Wednesday.

     My uncle over exaggerated everything. Yeah I punched Mac in the face but he was bringing up something I didn't want to talk about. Not only did my uncle bitch about it the rest of the night, the next day he wouldn't let it go either. Mac is a grown ass man pretty much he can fucking take one punch to the nose.  Than I got in trouble for telling Mac he was acting like a bitch about it, now he's mad at me for some but shit this ain't even the best part- then fuck ass Alonso tried to tell me on Monday that I was in the wrong so I punched that nigga a few times, I wasn't really that mad about what he said I just needed to get a few hits in without exposing myself.  I was late for work, real late but I had a reason I had to stop by and see my nigga Donnie- usually I let his kids and babymoms come see him but I let him see them thots enough. I was sitting down in a chair waiting for them to bring Donnie out- not like I could tell him about much. Why I really was mad at Mac or Alonso so all I could bitch about was Tash, and my uncle keem.

   "final Mother fucking LY. My fucking nigga" the voice filled the rooms interrupting other visits but it wasn't mine so I didn't care. I saw a cheesing Donnie walking towards me, this ugly mother fucker.

   "I missed you bro no fucking cap" I exhaled as soon as he sat down Donnie let out a laugh his white teeth still showing.

  "Nah I know you did, Tash been saying you be tweakin" he said making me roll my eyes.

   "Nah everyone been messing with me, but you know that's for another time- how you been bro?" I asked his eyes studied me for a moment and he smacked his lips shrugging.

  "I've been alright, they say you find some of yourself in jail-they might be right dog" he said clapping his hands together.

  "Really?and what's that you found?" I asked I was expecting him to say some dumb shit Donnie always said some dumb shit but he stayed quiet for a moment.

  "Well first I turned Muslim" I rolled my eyes everyone in the box turned to Allah something about God and Jail seem to not work out for people. "And then I realized maybe ion need a religion cause my cell mate said they all say gay niggas go to jail, and who finna worship someone who saying you gonna go to jail" he talked rushed but he always did this when he was bout to say something he ain't wanna say. Like when he told his momma he got his girl pregnant.

  "Wait hold on" I said rubbing my face. "You just came out as a faggot to me?" I asked Donnie face didn't show any emotions he just did a quick nod. See at this time I could tell him I sucked a niggas dick but the difference. If Donnie was fucking niggas in jail he might not really be gay- he might not do that on the outs. I am out of jail and if I tell someone I did that they gonna call me a faggot my damn self and I'm not no faggot.

"And why you say faggot so damn angrily, some gay boy been pissing you off" I ignored his comment because if only he fucking knew.

  "Man cause that's how I say it, and if you swing that why that's you bro- you know you still my nigga" I said he nodded relaxing a bit.

  "But Ian no full faggot you know, imma half faggot cause pussy still be in my dreams- but ion know you gotta try it" I felt my face scrunch up at the thought of that and shook my head.  Me fucking a nigga? Nahh.


By the time I was done visiting Donnie it was maybe 1pm. So I had to go to work before my uncle continued to be on my dick. Pulling into the parking lot I should've known Tash stupid ass was gonna be here. She doesn't have any friends anymore because her girl ones weren't shit so she only got Alonso- me and her aren't talking she wouldn't know why, me being mad at her probably wasn't logical. She had no clue what happened between me and Alonso so she wouldn't know why I would be upset about the white boy- not that I'm upset about the white boy Alonso can fuck whoever he wants. He should've just left me out of it.

Opening the door it got quiet a bit to quiet so when I looked up I knew I should've ran when Tash eyes widened.

"Damnit I texted you" she hummed walking towards me I nodded a bit. "You would've got it if you ain't block me" she added again but with more attitude.

"Fuck you text me for if you already know I blocked ya shit?" I asked and she smacked her lips before my uncle came out the back room.

"Nassiah where the fuck were you all day? Your shift starts in the morning" he starts but he wasn't yelling.

"Nassiah finally got here? I thought you said he was hurt" I heard my mother yell coming into the shop part out of the back room and I felt the same anger from a couple days ago rise, she pulled me into a hug well tried as soon as her hands got close enough I pushed her back with probably to much force because she fell on the floor.

"Fuck off me women I don't know you" I spat going to behind the desk.

"Nassiah calm yourself down, she was worried about you" my uncle warned. He hated when our family fought in public but I think it was because everything I told my mother about herself was true. She wasn't shit, she picked her kids over dick and than blamed it on me and my father.

"I just came from seeing my ace I'm trying have a good ass day" I started warning them.

"You need to leave that good for nothing gang banging nigger alone" the whole shop got quiet, because here was my mother- who was darker than me surprisingly calling someone a nigger. In the fucking hood.

"And I'm trying just have a good day and not go back to jail cause my homie getting out soon" I warned again.

"Come in than Nas we finna dip" Tash said she was trying she always did before I acted out, sometimes it worked but I wasn't going anywhere with her today.

"Better back away from me Ho I'm not fucking with all that" I spat back.

"Nassiah I'm talking to you and you're being disrespectful. I'm trying to help you out. You need to get them fucking tattoos removed off your face you look ridiculous. You think you can take care of yourself look where that fucking left your ass- a punk you wanna be a bitch ass pu" I didn't know what came between me and my fist from hitting my mother but I was now being thrown against a wall. Of course that only made the anger through my body rise.

"Nassiah you need to calm down that's you're mother" I heard Alonso mumble and I wiggled to atleast get my hand free to punch him. That threw him off enough to let me go enough so that I could get away from him.

"You think I'm scared of you? You just like your fucking father! You think you're unbreakable huh? You'll die behind a fucking bullet or rot in jail if you keep this up- you wanna die ain't sh- bang bang I shot the gun twice in the air and that shut her up.

"So shoot me ganster I'm not scared of no gun" this is why we never got along. She just egged me on until I had no choice. Only a few people left the shop the middle schoolers and the old people.the rest? ain't no gun was scaring them- see another thing about my mom, she calls the cops. She talks all that shit but then she calls the cops.

"Leave that poor boy alone" my uncle started but he should know his sister better than anyone her funk ass always trying tear me down.

I felt someone pull me closer to them, the gun was soon removed from my hand. "Come on walk with me" Alonso mumbled in my ear but I didn't move. "You wanna just stand here? Cause we can stand here pa" He was talking quiet so only I could hear him but the only reason why I was remotely listening was he snatched my gun. And he still had it.

"Give me my shit back, fucks wrong with you" I said and but he remained quiet for a bit before repeating the same words.

"Walk with me"

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