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9:04 am

I swatted away what ever was hitting my face until giggles came out of it- not Dior's so - I opened one eye before the other; as my eyes took a moment to focus I rubbed them until they started seeing a smiley Melanie on my bed leaning on my body as she continued to smack my face lightly. "Oh boo you're up!" She then said making a small smile reach my face- I did miss her. Don't get me wrong I loved my new friends but they never replaced old ones. "Good morning sleepy head, I thought you were never gonna wake up" I chuckled to myself sliding her off my body to the bed and went into the bathroom. After getting ready for the morning I came back out and found a smile on my face. "I can't wait to meet your new friends- your sister said they weren't like who we use to hang out with"

I chuckled plopping back down on the bed. Melanie hung out with her bandmates and drama kids when I hung out with- a class clown maybe and college kids. But sure Tas'hania didn't fit in either of those categories. I checked my phone- weird. " nothings coming until one- so breakfast?" She asked snapping my thoughts from my phone. "Yeah yeah- lemme get a shower and stuff" I said her energy trying to radiate onto me but it wasn't working. To early.

   I got halfway through my shower and Melanie sitting in the bathroom talking about how her trip to Europe was, than her trip to a few islands. I had closed the shower curtains so she couldn't see anything- it's the type of yeah I seen you naked before but I just seen you naked this morning look I was trying to avoid.  My phone rang but I ignored it the first time "So you were fucking some foreign dude?" I asked  and I knew her so well I didn't have to look at her face heating up to know it was. A nervous giggle came out but before she could respond my phone went off again.

"Are you gonna answer it? It's some uh T-uh-ss - a neee yuh?" She said making me chuckle I turned the water off wrapping a towel around my waist before answering the FaceTime.

"Ignore my fall like that a mother fucking gain- I'm coming over I need to talk to Nas" she said I furrowed my eyebrows.

"He ain't here" I responded and we stared at each other for a moment in silence.

"So fuck he at? I look like I got time to play games? I left my needles and thread at his house and my sewing machine fucking up" she started going.

"She's pretty- is that your girlfriend?" Melanie asked quietly.

"Oh fuck- who you got at your house when you looking all wet and shit; Matta fact" dun dun dun she hung up and a small smile came to my face but Melanie looked scared as hell.

"She's all talk" I said to calm Melanie's nerves before walking out of the bathroom to get dressed-

"So whose this Nassiah? A best friend or something?" I looked at her for a minute - how to explain my relationship with the boy.

"Nah, you'll meet him- we ain't friends or nada" I responded- another thing, when me and Melanie cut off the relationship ties I never admitted to actually being gay; just that I had a feeling but I still didn't admit that until months later . I dated maybe two boys in highschool but she only really knew about one than when highschool ended she went to travel so she missed the next pointless relationship with a boy than I went back to dating a girl. So she thinks we broke up because I had family stuff going on at the time which it was and that I was trying to find myself but it was also that I didn't see myself marrying a women- and she saw her self marrying me.

After getting dressed I saw my sister had left for work and Dior was probably at daycare so we were ready to leave. "Yeah we can take my car- Imma be out inna sec" I said taking a sip of the orange juice container- when she opened the door I heard a small scream.

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