Thirty- one

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I knew the voice before seeing the person, it was something like I didn't realize I missed seeing the hothead until I did. Of course he was mad right? He had some reasons to be- but last time I checked we weren't shit.

"Y'all gotta get up out of here" was the next thing he said. I looked at Maurice who was still healing from his other incident with Nassiah-the boy was scared shitless.

"Y'all don't gotta leave- he will be ok" I started but Nassiah was already being well Nassiah.

"I'll beat y'all motherfucking ass- I don't got fucking time for this shit" he started pounding on the wall with each word. I knew this was Tas'hania's doing because she was as just sipping her tea- I don't think she told him, but he didn't come down the hall for no reason.

"You gonna beat they ass? Nassiah sit down and talk like a normal person" I was getting agitated with his mouth, his whole attitude was shit and he didn't care enough to fix it or listen to anyone who told him too. He kicked the empty chair into the wall making a loud noise. Cute.

"I'm bout to speak to you in a minute" I could tell he was pissed, maybe he would beat their ass-but in all it wasn't smart hospitals had security.

"Can't wait- Reese can you leave for a second before he has a heart attack I'll text you" Maurice looked between us both than at me hesitantly nodding.

"Um alright, text me if you need anything I guess me and Tas'hania can go get food" he said Tash looked up from her phone nodding.

"Okay Yeah sure, I mean I kind of wanted to watch this play out but I could eat" she said getting up this girl a whole trip- she kissed my head and Nassiah's I'm surprised he let her to be honest than it left just us. The room stayed quiet I could see the smoke coming out his head.

"Boy bring your ass over here and say what you gotta say" I finally said breaking the silence tired of his bullshit.

"Ain't no what I gotta say! It's what you should say nigga you the one laying in the bed"

"It ain't your business what I'm doing"

"It's not my fucking business?" He had finally let the anger go, which was good and bad - who ever knew how a mad Nassiah was going to think. "So you die that's not my business either?" He asked "alright than fuck out of here with that bullshit Alonso you laying in a fucking hospital bed I ain't have a bit of fucking clue" his face was getting red, he was mad his fist kept bunching up and unbunching.

"I didn't fucking die Nassiah- you're being dramatic"

"Dramatic? This ain't fucking dramatic! You in the fucking wrong you should've told me" he yelled "what you even in here for?" I didn't respond and he let out a small chuckle."you got to be shitting me- you're playing right?"

"I got shot a few times, calm down Ian no kid Nassiah"

"You got fucking shot?" Nassiah punched the walls a few times and that's when I realized I needed to get up-ignoring the pain I pushed my body off the hospital bed and stood up. "You got shot and ain't fucking tell me? This story gets better and better" he said punching the wall I held the Iv as I walked pushing it in front of me before I reached the boy I pulled him away from the wall.

"Don't fucking touch me- Nah nah don't" he said before I wrapped my arms around the boy. "Who shot you?" His he asked his face resting on my chest the boy was shaking- none the less and I would have to explain to my nurse why there was a little dent in the wall.

"I know you hear me talking to you" he said pushing back a bit, that's when I saw his watery eyes, the one tear that slipped from his eye was enough to break me. I just pulled him back into a hug rocking him a bit.

"Alonso you think this is a game? You got shot nigga" he said in a low voice. "You might not shoot back- but someone getting shot- you're in a hospital bed- you got shot for real" He was talking more to himself I gathered rambling as the thoughts came and left his head.

"I don't know" he scoffed.

"So imma shoot everyone who was at that club until I get an answer"

"How you know I got shot there?"

"I ain't-now I do" He was bout to slip from my grip probably to make a few bad choices and a huge mistake.

" you ain't come in here kick everyone out for all that?" He laughed a bitter one.

"Not like you wanted me here anyway right?"

"That's not why I ain't tell you"

"T-than why not?" He asked his eyes looking up at me I exhaled a bit before pulling him closer to me missing his body next to mine.

"Ian think it mattered" that's what really made him push me away me almost stumbling back.

"You ain't think it mattered? You fucking with me" he said asked a eyebrow

"Nassiah I'm not fucking with you, you look me in the eye and told me to get over my pathetic crush that's not what someone who cares says"

He exhaled looking at me it was a staring contest for a moment. "Okay so maybe I'm not the best at showing it" I scoffed at his remark.

   "Every time we make it somewhere you freak out and push me away more- when I push you away you kick everyone out my hospital room" I started but he just blinked as if I wasn't making sense.

"If I wanted you to be dead, I would've been shot you- maybe when you was sucking my dick or some shit" he than said without emotion. "Now I have to kill whoever wants you dead, and because you're no fucking help this is gonna take awhile- this what you wanted?" He asked

"How is this my fault?"

"You wanted a nigga to show he cares right? Well baby I'm bout to kill a nigga for you"

"This why I ain't tell your crazy ass- you can't kill anyone when the cops are already investigating"


"What if you go to jail?"

"I do illegal shit everyday"

"I don't want you to go to jail Nas, and that's morally wrong- after you kill someone it can change you or some shit"

"I might've allegedly already did that shit"

I just looked at him for a long time and he was being cooperative enough to keep looking back. "So you're gonna leave?" I questioned trying to drift the subject off

"You got Monica and T"

"Oh you right, I guess Maurice can keep me busy, he's good company" I started and Nassiah's eyes narrowed for a moment I could see him thinking of what to say next. "But What could we really do in a hospital?" I was thinking out loud at this moment.

"Fuck" Nassiah commented

"Not with these stitches, he could suc-bap a punch it was a light one I could tell he was holding back because his face was still sour like. He's lucky my birth dad was fucking psychotic- I had to learn to eat punches then, they ain't shit to Nassiah's already held back ones. You see the boy has probably never swung at me with full force- I'm still waiting, the way Mac runs from his hits - they must hurt.

"Just because I said it doesn't mean do it, actually nah do it- so your stitches or whatever can come out and you can die" he started the rant.

"Yeah, Yeah. Lemme get a kiss" He was thrown off by my words because he paused for a moment then pretended to act as if he didn't hear me. I cupped his face pulling it towards me before placing a few quick kisses on his lips until he kissed back.


See I was gonna have Nassiah really be pissed, but like why would Alonso let that nigga go kill someone with him knowing? He wouldn't duh Lo don't play that shit.

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