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Same day, 4hours later;2:30 pm .

    "So you're trying tell me nobody has heard from either of them in four hours?" Tas'hania ask as she walks in the shop. She was out looking for one of them but she didn't spot I guess Nassiah trying to kill Mac in broad daylight is hard to find.

   "Nassiah is loosing his damn mind! Maybe him and Dayquellz might actually need each other" His uncle started Tash only rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but even Donnie can't break them two up when they fight" Tash added I was really just trying to work, I have no fucking idea why he is mad at him, they were just talking about whose right so it could've been something petty.

At least I knew it wasn't me, Even though I got a whole lot of what ifs in words from Nassiah he didn't have to answer with his words any because his actions were a lot louder like how I came to talk to him and I stayed all day. But eventually this act has to get old right? Because if everyone else knows something is up then he really is only lying to himself- and I think that's who he is really trying to hide it from because all of his friends but this Donnie nigga are questioning his sexuality.

Finally the door opened and in came about of breath Marquees. "Holy shit no wonder why he only went to jail once" he said as he sat down on the couch. "You know how hard it is to run from someone who watched you grow up?" I couldn't help but let out a small laugh and Mac glared. He would probably tell me about it later but the whole thing came up out of nowhere if you ask me, Nassiah shouldn't really be trying to kill Marquees that bad.

"Well where is your cousin Mac?" Keem asked and he shrugged his eyes nearly falling out his head out his head

"I was running from him, shit I don't know" he said as Tash tossed him a Water bottle. I got out of my chair so I could do the next niggas hair, nobody could contact Nassiah because the first thing he threw was his phone.

"Well what did you guys argue about?" I heard his uncle start and Marquees stayed quiet, to quiet. "You not gonna say anything? He had you running out this shop like you killed his twin so explain to me"

"He was just mad I was right about something,I knew he wouldn't wanna hear it but that mad?" I laughed a bit at the comment, if only he knew. Things you wouldn't think pissed that boy off surly would.


It was almost time to close shop and Nassiah didn't return yet, I didn't expect him to but I guess everyone else did. Mac came and sat down in my chair and a small smile played on his lips.

"Wanna know what made it all worth it?" I laughed a bit as I sweep the floor I was curious because I know damn well if I was in his shoes I would be looking to kill Nassiah right back as soon as he punched me the second time in a row. "Knowing I was right of course" he said his smile growing.

"Yes but what kind of argument is that important" Tash asked butting in and he smiled wider

"See I was hopping someone would ask me that today"

"I pointed out a undeniable chain of events, I got punched basically because of you" he said pointing at me and I furrowed my eyebrows as Tash let out an obnoxious laugh.

"You showed up with that boy, when I brought it up to Nassiah about it might being a date I get punched" he started I rolled my eyes deeply they all really wanted to make Nassiah gay and it was getting exhausting.

"So? He probably got mad at you for what you were implying"

"And he told me he didn't  mean to I was just talking about the wrong stuff, at the wrong time in the wrong place" I smacked my lips together as it was making semi sense now but still not why he was mad today.

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