Chapter 3

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I know Colby's parents live in Kansas but I needed a story.
Elton asks me questions about me and how I ended up on a park bench I don't reply but Elton changes the subject to make me comfortable and talks about the house I'm about to go to.
I ask him why he thinks Sam would like me and he tells me all about him. I understand why Elton said that Sam sounds perfect for me but I'd be a nobody to him... We arrive at the house and I already feel welcome.
I walk in and a voice from upstairs screams "ELTON get in bed it's cold!" Elton giggles almost childlike and says "get out of bed I have news!" Another voice yells "all of us?" "Yes," Elton replies rolling his eyes and glancing at me.
Elton invites me to the couch and I sit next to him as an energetic looking male comes in intertwining fingers with Elton He explained saying that was his boyfriend Corey. Two other males came literally skipping down the stairs also holding hands. Is this a gay house if so I wanna move in.
Elton tells me they are Jake and Aaron who are also together. Then there's one more person I see sneak around the corner of the wall to the living room "Elton you fucking woke me u-" he stops suddenly looking at me straight in the eyes.
I seem to lose myself in his blue eyes my eyes are blue but nothing like his. His make me feel as if the ocean and all it's beautiful mysteries are inviting me to explore. He speaks startling me "who's this," he says still staring.
Elton says "this is Colby and that's Sam the one I said you would get along with, HES the only single one in this house and the only one who doesn't like girls at all."
Sam looks down as if he's ashamed of who he is. Corey says suddenly "well not to be rude but, what are you doing here?" I stay silent for a second then realize they're all like me and may understand somehow.
I start telling my story, Sam had his head down the entire time only looking up when I said the name Brennen and when I said my parents beat me. By the end of the story, everybody looked sad but Sam was angry, not angry but furious, livid.
I wonder if he had an experience like mine, he interrupts my thoughts with a quick "I'll be back in 5" and slammed the door. Elton apologized for him and said he isn't normally like that.
He asked if I was hungry I told him yes I might be happy here for now.

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