Chapter 14

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When I was waiting for Sam I started thinking about my future. Nobody here went to high school except for Elton so I decided I'm not going to finish high school either.  I was done thinking and decided to examine the room I was in, my room.  It was basic dark blue walls dark oak floors (Ik that's not his room but STORIES PEOPLE) white fan on the ceiling and camera in the corner. Wait why the fuck is there a camera in the corner. Is this part of Elton security shit? "ELTON!" I screamed. He came up running full speed and turns into my room with a face of worry.  "Why the hell is there a camera in the corner?" "What the fuck! I didn't put that there!" I was shocked, who would put a fucking camera in my room. I heard a door open to the side of me and got angrier because I didn't want anybody to fuck with me right now.

    I turned around to see the timid tear stained face of the boy I loved. "What's going on?" He asked in a small voice, he seemed almost like a child, interesting.  "Somebody put a camera in Colby's room" Elton said.  "WHAT!" He outburst. He sounded like him again I'll confront him later.  "Elton, is there anyway to find out who did this." I said trembling in anger but doing my best to keep Sam happy, I only live for him I MUST keep him happy.  "I installed cameras outside everybody's windows maybe we can check."  We rushes into the garage to get the security footage and we see who did this atrocity. "Oh my god it's-"

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