Chapter 18

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Time for part three, end this shit. As the knife was an inch away from his throat Elton and I burst out of the closet startling Brennen to where Sam leaped off the bed and ran out the room Elton grabbed Katrina and hit her in the head with a vase, I hit Brennen in the head with a bat they were both knocked out on the floor, Sam called the cops and they were on their way.  I looked at the two body's that lay unconscious on the ground.  It didn't hit me until now, Brennen was the one that caused all of this...the loss of my heart and a home... the loss of my parents... the pain... and Sam's pain.  Not only did he hurt me but he Sam... my one and only... if he didn't have a smile my heart crumpled I needed to see the sparkle he had in his eye when he was happy.. it was my purpose my destiny to keep him smiling.  I realize it now.

   I was full on crying I didn't know what to do I was angry sad and happy all at the same time.  I look back down at Brennen and my happiness goes away... he's always the reason. I look over at Elton but he wasn't there he must have went to Sam. I look at Brennen again, how DARE he! I lean down and start punching him with all my strength he keeps bleeding and I keep punching, I punched until my arms were numb and there was a stream of blood running down his face and a fair amount on my fists. 

   Sam walks in and sees me collapsed in a ball on the ground with the blood of the man I hate on my hands.  "Shit...ok-ok let's get you cleaned up" he says. He helps me up and walks me to the bathroom, I don't know what is wrong with me shock or anger but I can't move. As soon as he manages to get me to the bathroom I turn around put his head in my hands and kiss him and pull him close with such force because I was afraid if I let him go he'd disappear too.

See I told you it'd be longer thx for the support *ahem 1 vote per chapter that vote is mine ahem* but I'm not salty go read my next chapter

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