Chapter 28

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   "WAKE UP ASSHOLES" Elton screams from downstairs jolting me and Sammy awake. "Get packing enough shit to last you a month." Sam and I glanced at each other extremely confused nevertheless we started packing. Around 10 minutes later Sam and I made it downstairs to almost everyone downstairs but Corey of course. Jake was talking Elton about how he couldn't go on any long trip as he was trying to settle a new relationship. Elton understood and excused him from this one trip. "COREY HURRY THE FUCK UP EVEN COLBY BEAT YOU!" Elton yells. Corey was already on the stairs "fuck I must be slow then." Corey said jokingly. I told them all to shut the fuck up and we made our way to the car. "Where the hell are we going?" Sam asked. "You'll see" Elton replied with that stupid mischievous laugh he does.

    All three of us groaned in annoyance, stuff like this never turns out well. Me and Sam we're watching the road ahead of us as we saw Elton reach over and grab Corey's hand and intertwine fingers with him. Sam mocked them shouting "AWW" on the top of his lungs. "Shut the fuck up!" Corey yelled, then he said softer "you'll make him stop." Elton smirked visibly but didn't say anything. Sam then unbuckled his seatbelt and curled up in my lap. I put my hand on his head playing with his golden locks. I felt his breathing start to even out for a while and I was sure he was sleeping. "Guys," I whispered "look at Sam". Corey turned around and cooed at the sight and snapped a picture shortly after. I rolled my eyes but then said "send that to me". They both laughed as we continued our journey down the mysterious road. Wherever Elton's bringing us it better be good. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

We arrived at the airport and I woke up Sam. He slowly regained consciousness and made his way out of the car. As we neared the front desk Elton have the lady 4 passports and a credit card. The lady returned the credit card and passports along with 4 tickets. Have a nice flight she says and we make our way towards security this better be good i thought to myself.

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