Chapter 19

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Sam pushes me off and says "baby, we need to get you cleaned up I love you and I'm not going anywhere."  I nod absentmindedly I feel as if I'm not a person just I fall down banging open the cupboard with my elbow and a bag of weed flies out of it ( California ITS LEGAL) I take the bag and shove the entire thing in my mouth.  It takes a moment to kick in but now I am higher than I've ever been in my life.  The cops come in and deal with everything but everything is just a blur to me.  All I know is Sam never left my side once.  Man I love him.  He payed me down on my bed and I passed out.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up extremely hungry and basically pounce off the bed for food I'm no longer high and I realize it's morning now.  As I'm walking down the hall on the way to the kitchen I hear noises coming from Sam's room. It sounds almost like babbling.  I open the door to see Sam with a pacifier in his mouth and he's playing with a toy.  He immediately turns to see me and says "Daddy!" He runs towards me and hugs me. I then realize that Sam is a little.  He looks up at me but he seems less happy. "Colbs" He says in a normal tone. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way but I'm a little and I want you to be my caretaker". "Of course I will I love you." He says "I love you too". If anybody fucks with my little boy there head is gone... he's my baby.

Sorry for the shortness I'm tired

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