Chapter 9

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We all sat down on the couch, everybody looked at me in anticipation and Sam took my hand which encouraged me to say what I need to. I told them about my parents, my problems, how unworthy I am for all of them, how I feel everybody will leave me just like my parents did. After I finish telling them everything everybody is crying except for Elton and Aaron they look vengeful. Almost as if they would protect me at all cost, it made me feel loved, way more then my parents ever did. 
Elton got up and paced around obviously thinking extremely hard.
I curled up on Sam's lap as he stroked my hair everybody looked pitiful and I felt bad for dragging them down in the black hole that is my life. Elton assured me from now on we will have higher protection and everyone vowed to keep me safe. I couldn't take any more of the social interaction so I went back to my room while Sam followed.
⚠️Smut Warning⚠️
I had to get away from my thoughts... I didn't want to hurt myself again.. I look at Sam and think of the one thing that could break my thoughts. At that moment I drag Sam's arm onto the bed and kiss him lustfully with force. I take off my shirt in .2 seconds and stare straight into his eyes.
He gets the message of what I plan to do and takes off his shirt and starts to unbutton my pants and pull down my boxers. I return the favor but decide to tease him by keeping his boxers on and rubbing it.  He started pouting and taking his off his own boxers he started grinding on me and we were both extremely stiff and ready to take it to the next level if we hadn't done it already.
  I flipped him over tenderly and we were finally doing that one thing we had waited our entire lives for. He moaned and covered his mouth momentarily forgetting about the roommates. I giggled and thrust harder he was biting his lip so hard it started to bleed but we didn't care.  We both climaxed and laid back down in bed sweaty as ever
⚠️smut over ⚠️
I loved this man and I will be by his side like this forever. He curled up against my side and based off of his breath fell deeply asleep

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