Chapter 12

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"LEAVE ME ALONE WHORE!" Sam screamed. I was terrified of what just happened Sam got a call and went to the bathroom to talk. I heard him angrily whispering then... that. Who could make my little boy so mad, whoever they are deserves to die in the most brutal way possible. Ok maybe that was a little overboard. I hear quiet sobs from the bathroom and I rush in there immediately.  As soon as I walk in he wipes away his tears and tries to act like nothing happened. I pressed on and he finally crumpled. "I-I never told you about this because it was a part of my past I didn't want to bring up but..." he hesitates slightly "I used to be with this girl named Katrina and she was obsessed with me and I broke up with her because of that then she came to my house and tied me to my bed and forced me to do things I didn't want to do because I had no love for her and at that point I was questioning if I had love for woman at all, which I don't.

    Finally, Elton heard me screaming and helped me we threw Katrina in jail for 3 months and she just got out and is threatening you." He was full on sobbing at this point. "I'm sorry I had to pull you in my mess baby" "it's what I'm here for" I responded quietly we both sat there for a while thinking about everything that could happen and I started tearing up as well. 

   🔒 I brought Sam to my room and laid him on the bed. He smirked at me and I started kissing down his neck until I found his sweet spot then started sucking it with passion and desire. He let out small moans aware of the others in the house, I made my way down to his chest and took off his shirt with my teeth. I then kissed along his lower abdomen then slowly took off his boxers exposing his rock hard dick. I slowly dragged my tongue up from the balls all the way to the tip then got slowly faster and faster.  Sam seemed to be growing impatient so i decided to tease him more. I took off my clothes quicker than ever and put my now hard dick in a line from the dimple on his chin to his balls.  

   I then sat on his stomach and started grinding he was letting out slightly bigger moans at this point but his patience had reached its max. Sam got out from under me flipped me over and stuck his finger in my ass. One, two, then four. At this point I was moaning loudly enough for Sam to hear if he were in his room but nobody else could.  Sam then took his fingers out and quickly shoved his dick in my ass making me moan loud enough for New Zealand to hear. I could feel his pleasure in his breathy moans and slowly increasing speed. Sam and me finished and I flipped myself over we spent around 20 minutes making out before making our way downstairs. 🔒Everything seemed perfect, Colby was happy, I was happy and satisfied, nothing could be more perfect aside from the fact there was a camera in the corner.

Y'all are welcome for the longer chapter and smut it's 5:24 am and I have church pray for me

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