Chapter 24

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    "Sam Golbach, I love you to the ends of the earth and never have, never will stop. Everyday your with me you heal my brokenness and seal my smile my life wouldn't be complete without you." Sam started crying but I continued " so will you do me the honor of becoming my lawfully wedded husband?" 

   I stayed in that position nervous as fuck and scared of rejection. I looked up at Sam and he said "Of course I'll marry you." And with that I slipped a beautiful diamond ring, glistening in the moonlight, on his finger and we sealed our ever loving bond with a kiss. But this wasn't just a kiss, it felt as if the power of this kiss could shift the plates of the earth he's lips fit perfectly under mine I knew he was mine I fucking loved him.  Sam pulled me closer by my waist and grabbed my hair. I put my hand on his lower back and my other hand on his jawbone. 

   Then from the abyss of the bushes surrounding the area we hear a slight "awwww" that was 100% Jake.  "SHUT THE FUCK UP JAKE AND GET ALL YALLS ASSES OUT HERE WERE GETTING DRUNK TONIGHT!!!!"  Sam screamed.  Everybody celebrated and we all made our way to the liquor store and bought enough alcohol to kill three full grown men.  We made our way back to the house and drank more beer than I ever have in my entire life.  I was drunk to the point where I couldn't think straight.  I think the one thing I remember from the party was a split moment where I was in a sober like state for about a minute because I had woken up from passing out. 

   Sam was passed out in the corner in a seemingly uncomfortable position, Aaron was poking at Elton's face while he was asleep in the couch while Jake and Corey were fighting over who has sex louder. I feel right back asleep after that though.  I woke up the next morning fully naked with a extreme headache that felt like a nuclear bomb just went off in my head.  I look over and see the perfect blond hair combed over his beautiful face.  The comforter was on the ground so I noticed he was fully naked as well. 

   I felt a leap of passion for Sam at the moment as memories of last night flood through my head.  This boy is mine.  I move down by his legs and I see his perfect body I can't resist him right now I don't have enough strength to.  I started sucking his dick softly and gently.  I feel his dick get hard in my mouth turning me on more.  I here a muffled "Colby?" coming from Sam in his sexy morning voice. I stop for a second to reply "Yes Baby?"  I then stuff his whole dick in my mouth semi roughly and start deep throating it. I hear quiet moans escaping from his lips.  "You like that baby?" I say with his dick still in my mouth. "Yes daddy" he responds a little bit louder by this point I assume he is awake. 

   I then flip him over, not even preparing him, and put my dick in his ass earning a loud moan making me lunge to cover his mouth.  He puts the corner of the pillow in his mouth and bites down nodding to me. I get what he wants and start thrusting in and out slowly.  Sam starts moaning a little then I got rough. I thrusted with all my force and energy extremely hard,  hearing muffled screams from Sam out off pain and exhilaration.  I thrust as hard as I can until I feel Sam cum turning me on so much I thrust even harder soon after I cum right into his ass and he moans softly as I pull out.  He flips over to his side facing me and I mirror his position.

I loved seeing him lay on the bed like that...exhausted and entirely mine. This boy is mine to keep and I'm gonna fucking keep him for sure. "Come on Sam, lets get dressed and go to IHOP." I say hoping to convince him to leave bed.  He says "Only if I can wear your clothes."  "What's mine is yours fiancée," I reply warning a blush from my blonde wonder. I'm going to be happy here in life... and to think I was about to give up on it.  Well not anymore not when this boy is in it.

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