Chapter 30

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   "Sharks Elton!?! WHAT THE FUCK!" Corey yelled. "Chill pussy, it's safe." Elton responded matter of factly "I disagree with that statement.." Sam interjected. I stayed silent observing the more feminine males fight against Elton for his extreme idea. "We're doing it that's that." Elton demands. "He's right guys, this is our last thing in Australia we better make it count." "I-I g-guess" Sam responded noticeably scared.  We all get in our gear and make our way into the tank.  Elton goes first then me Sam and Corey. 

   We look around and we can't comprehend what we see.  There's beauty all around... the plants and colors and fish.  Then I see them... the sharks swimming towards us I feel almost faint.. I was scared out of my mind.  The shark came up to me and rubbed against my leg I laughed and started petting it it was extremely friendly.  All fear I had was washed away with tranquility and fascination.  Another shark had come up and I wasn't scared I closed my eyes and laughed amazed with what I was experiencing.  I then felt a sharp pain in my right side worse than anything I've ever felt.  Everything faded to black almost immediately afterwards the pain faded then to a tingling sensation it felt like my brain cut out right then and there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

"Then hurry up and fix him!" I heard a panicked voice yell. I heard a suspicious chuckle then a quiet "ok."  A hand slowly clasped over my mouth forcing me to breath through my nose and as soon as I do I feel a burning sensation in my nose and down my throat.  The energy I need forces me awake and had me coughing aggressively.  "What did you just give me?" I asked in a very raspy voice.  The man chuckles and says "quiet a bit of cocaine." He chuckles again and rushes of into the distance that I couldn't see.  My vision was blurry and I couldn't feel anything.  I heard a soft voice in my ear say "I'm so sorry I hope your ok Elton bandaged you up and you'll be fine just please be ok I'm sorry I trusted that random man."  I laughed and stood up and fell down "I went boom" I said laughing. I don't remember anything else.

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