Chapter 29

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Elton wanted this to be a secret so much that he flagged down an airport car-ride-thing, put us all in blindfolds and wouldn't let us take them off until the plane.  As soon as we got on the plane our blindfolds came off and the flight attendants voice boomed throughout the area. Sam, Corey and me all payed close attention to see if she would mention the destination of our flight. Soon enough we all heard "Have a nice flight to Australia! Be warned though we will be flying for around 26 hours." Omg! Omg! Australia!!! "26 HOURS ELTY!" Corey shouted.  Sam shushed him reminding him we were on a plane that we could easily get kicked out of. 

   Elton was doing his stupid laugh as the plane started flying.  Corey flew back, forgetting to buckle his seatbelt causing us all to laugh or in Elton's case laugh harder.  Corey fastened his belt then held hands with Elton while Elton softly rubbed his thumb on his neck in a circular motion.  Sam laid his head on Colby's shoulder and put his hand on his chest slowly falling asleep.  Colby has his fingers intertwined in Sam's hair and his other hand on his inner thigh. They all gradually fell asleep and waited for the treacherous hours to cease. (That's a fancy sentence)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

The group checked into there hotel, two rooms with queen size bed in each,  and set up there things.  The boys rooms were right next to each other so they could basically talk to each other through the thinness off the walls.  I had placed Sam on the bed because he had been asleep and I decided to unpack for him.  I finished unpacking and started to change as my shirt was nearly half way off I hear a small voice say "Daddy?" I turned around and I was shocked that he would say that. 

To be honest it kinda turned me on. "Say that again" I told him "Daddy" he said even softer. Fuck now I had a full boner now. I sat down next to him and asked him what he needed. He pointed down to his dick and said "Daddy, it feels weird can you fix it." I looked down at his pants and he had a big bulge basically crying to escape from his jeans. "Yes, I can help baby boy" I started to pull down his jeans and boxers and his cock sprung free and it was really hard. I started pumping it at a steady pace making the blond emit small moans and get me harder I then started licking his tip teasing him while looking at him in the face. He was trying to look back but was overrun by pleasure and lust I then started sucking his dick up and down and the blond started moaning louder saying "Daddy" on repeat.

   "You know the walls are really thin right?" Elton said from the other room. I leaped off Sam and he pulled his pants up immediately and went to hide under the pillows. "They don't hate us now, right Daddy?" "One second." I told him before I walked over to there room and told them what Sam had said. Elton immediately felt awful and went over to comfort Sam I stayed in his room until he returned. I looked over at Corey and he asked me "bro I know this is like super personal but why would you do that when he's in little space? Btw you don't have to tell me I'm just curious." I looked at him and said "He asked me to fix his "little problem" and that it felt weird I didn't know what else to do... and I feel bad for saying this but I think I have a daddy kink... when he called me daddy I just.. you know."

   "Yeah I get it bro but I'm going to smirk at you every time he calls you that now. "Great" I said sarcastically and we both started laughing. Elton walked in and said he was calling for me. I smiled and told Corey he could tell Elton what I said if he cared and made my way over to my baby boy. I really do have a daddy kink but that won't stop me from being a good caregiver.  Sam was smiling again asking if we were going to go out and do some stuff in Australia.  Elton yelled "Yeah in about 30 minutes ok?"  "Sounds good!" I yelled back.   

It's gonna be one hell of a month.

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