Chapter 26

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Jake walked out of his room for the first time in days he was dressed up semi nice and was headed to the door.  "Hey?" Elton said. Jake ignored him completely until I said "Jake?" He turned around and looked at me "where are you going?" I asked he told me he was going on a date "how you haven't been out of your room in like a week," "Tinder" He said sharply and  we were doing. As Corey continued to play Rocket League Sam curled up in my lap.  I started playing with his hair but I got a text from Aaron


Aaron😒: Hey is Jake there?
Colby🏳️‍🌈: Why do you care?  If you didn't know Aaron I'm mad at you at the moment... Jake was nothing but loyal to you he just didn't think it needed to be so official.  You hurt him Aaron.
Aaron😒: I know but I need my stuff I'm moving out for good.
Colby🏳️‍🌈: You'll find it near Goodwill
Colby's name changed to Unloved Faggot 🙄
Unloved Faggot🙄: So mature asshole
Unloved Faggot🙄 has blocked Aaron😒


"Ugh" I said clearly frustrated as I threw my phone somewhere near the tv. "If you break the TV your paying for it boy."  Elton says.  I disregard him and start to get up.  Sam pulls back on my arm a little bit. He looks up at me from the couch and says "wanna talk about it?" In a cute quiet voice.  I nod and lead him upstairs picking up my phone on the way.  When we get to our room I tell him everything from Jakes meltdown to me and Aaron's texts. Sam and I decide to see the damage of Jakes room since none of us had seen it since that day, I don't think Jake has eaten since then either. 

   Sam and I walk in and Sam gasps in shock, the glass is all around the room most pieces covered in blood, the broom is broken in the corner and there are carvings in the wall saying "die Aaron" "your useless" "Aaron can't love you nobody can" etc.  "L-Let's do something nice for him." Sam says.  He calls all the roommates up and they all see the room.  Sam proposed the idea we all clean up his room for him.  We all started working and Corey had used his magical gay powers to fix the wall.  I think he has those some of the gay things he does seem impossible like the splits ExCuSe Me! 

    We finished the work by 10:30 and were completely exhausted.  Everybody went downstairs turned on Family Guy and chilled.  Jake walked home with a smile on his face and a good attitude.  "Are you Jake again?" Elton said, we all stared at him because we were all scared to push him over the line.  "FUCK YEAH I AM!"  Jake yelled.  We shared a couple of laughs and had a fun night.  We ended up questioning Jake about this person he saw.  "Oh! She's perfect!  Her name is"

Sorry for the cliffhanger but this was kinda long so 😜

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