Chapter 25

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   "I'm not ready for that!"  I heard Jake yell startling me awake.  "When will you be Jake!  We've been playing this game for 4 years!"  "What if I'm never ready to settle down! I never told you but I don't wanna get married!! Ever!!! I never will and you have to except that!"  "I cant except that Jake!  You know that!" "What are you saying Aaron..." I hear him say as there yells go quiet.  "We're just to different I'm sorry." I hear Aaron say as I hear the door slam shortly after.  I get up slowly trying not to wake Sam. 

    I walk to Jake's room and open the door.  I see him pacing around with a tear stained face, he grabs the lamp off of his night stand and throws it I watch it hit the wall and shatter into a million pieces.  He walked over too it and picked up the pieces and carved 'die' into the wall. He walked back to his bed stared at his blood covered hands and balled up and cried. I walked over to him and laid my hand on his shoulder startling him as he hadn't realized I was there.  I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around me.  He turned to me sobbing on my shoulder.  I just sat there letting him cry when Sam came in the doorframe mouthing the words what happened?  I told him to ask Corey since I knew he was a light sleeper and had woken up.  Sam nodded and left the doorway.

    A few minutes after Sam had walked away Jake looked up at me and said "thank you so much,  but I think I need a while alone."  I replied "Ok but don't do something you'll regret, that's a deep hole you don't want to dive into... do you want me to bring a broom up here for the glass?" He nodded and I went downstairs to go get the broom and left Jake alone as I heard his sobs grow the longer I walked.

Sorry for the short chapter but Jaaron is officially over for good....maybe?

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