Chapter 20

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After Sammy (Sammy is what I refer to his child like state) and I played around in his room I brought up the topic of telling the roommates. He freaked out and hid straight into my arms "n-no, t-thewyed dudge m-me" he says as he starts to cry. I looked into his tear-filled eyes, the only ones that kept me alive and said "Sammy, these are the people that took us in when we were lost,  that never judged us that excepted us every step of the way, put themselves in danger to keep us safe, they love you, i love you, everything's gonna be okay."

   I console him until his cries turned into sobs.  I then hold him in my arms and sit him in my lap and rock him back and forth.  I hum a song I used to listen to in my childhood I don't particularly know the name of the song but it felt right.  After a minute or two Sam wasn't crying anymore but he fell asleep in my arms. Then the door creaked open and I looked over to see Elton there "I heard the whole conversation" he said.  "And?" I countered.  "You said everything perfectly right..". That put a smile on my face,  this really is the perfect place for us.  "You'd be a dead-ass uncle though" I told him earning a chuckle from him.   "Can I hold him?" Elton inquiries.  "Duh," Elton took his warm body from my arms and held him securely (I could NOT spell that word omg) Sam's eyes fluttered open "Uncle Elty" he exclaims softly.  Elton laughs and looks down at him like a real uncle would. Man he's the actual we have to tell everybody else

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