Chapter 7

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I was cuddled up in Sam's right embrace when I hear a loud BANG from the front door. It wakes me and Sam up before he speaks I shush him and get up. Sam tells me to be careful and I assure him I'll be fine. I sneak downstairs and I see the people that I never wanted to see again.
My parents are there standing over me as if I'm a small child that broke a vase. I command to know what they are doing here. They look amongst each other than stare me in the eyes smacking me with every word said "fixing. You. And. Your. Sinful. Ways."
I don't know what to do these are my fucking parents. So I do the dumbest thing possible, I curl in a ball and cry. They hit me extremely hard I can feel multiple bruises popping up on my legs, arms, face, and back.
I look up for a moment to see the people I grew up with that cherished me, taught me to walk, speak, love. But they're here, beating me to the point of me wanting to die. That moment Elton walks in with a bat. "Get off my property before I call the cops", my parents retreat and slink out the door.
"Who was that?" Elton asked me. I couldn't respond I was wasting away in my tears. I felt useless, unloved, unwanted and most of all worthless as if I should just die. I run-up to the bathroom and lock the door. Elton is yelling for me to get out but it's drowned away by my tears.
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
I see a singular razor blade and do something I have done many times before. I slashed it down my wrist one for Brennen one for my parents three more for my parents one for being a waste to Elton one for each of the roommates five for Sam
ten more for Sam
15 for Sam.
The last thing I see is the blood dripping out of my arm and the sound of Elton and Sam barging in as my world swiftly faded to a peaceful shade of black.
⚠️ End of Trigger ⚠️

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