Chapter 5

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"Yeah you did, but I'm glad cause I feel the exact same way!" Sam exclaimed. I was shocked I thought I was weird for feeling so attached to somebody I meet for the first time. "Wow, that makes me feel a lot better,"
I replied. He chuckled slightly and I volunteered the idea to play video games. He furiously agreed.
When he won we looked at each other and he was cheering. Our hips were touching and my hand landed on his thigh.
He looked straight up at me. I got lost in his sky blue eyes. I went off of my hearts instinct and kissed him. His lips were softer than I could have ever imagined and I felt his sadness go away as he melted into the kiss.
It was a magical moment we wanted to last forever. I wrapped my arm around his waist as he started playing with my hair. We laid down on his bed, legs intertwined.
We were wrapped in each other's lips. And then Elton decided to barge in the door. "Oh, uhh- sorry dude." We get up quickly. "Oh- uh no problem... did you need us?" Sam replies awkwardly.
"Yeah we're having a house meeting," Sam assures him we'll be down in a minute. Elton looks at us in an unsure manner but he closes the door and leaves us to ourselves once more.
I looked at Sam straight in his eyes and ask him the question that surrounds my mind, "Sam, what are we I know we just meet but I feel like I love you a lot... but I don't know if you feel the same."

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