Second meeting

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It had been a week since you helped Orion with his truck and you couldn't stop thinking about him. At the moment, you were outside with Sally while your parents were at work and your older sister was out on a date.
When you heard a metal shifting against metal sound and you felt the ground shake, you were a little concerned about what was going on. A few moments passed before Sally started barking, taking off running through the tree line.

"Sally, get back here!" You yelled as you chased Sally, obviously unable to run as fast as she could.

Sally didn't stop running until she saw two giant robots fighting each other. She might have been a dog, but she knew better than to mess with those who were larger than she was. When you got to the other side of the tree line, you saw a giant red and blue robot fighting a smaller purple and black robot who soon transformed and flew away. Optimus had heard Sally barking a few moments prior and quickly spotted her near the trees. When he knelt down, he saw you, as well.

Your eyes widened when you saw Optimus, unable to believe what you were seeing. You were absolutely speechless as you looked up at the Autobot leader, not knowing who he was at the moment.

"Ratchet, I require a groundbridge." Optimus said as he commed Ratchet.

You didn't know why, but you were unable to stop walking towards Optimus. He somehow seemed familiar, but you couldn't quite remember where you had seen him before. You ordered Sally to go back to the house, and she obeyed. Optimus laid one of his servos on the ground, allowing you to sit in his palm once you got close enough. He gently picked you up before he walked through the groundbridge after it was opened.

You didn't say anything as you were carried through the groundbridge despite the vibrating sensation in your bones. Once Optimus was in the Autobots base, Ratchet saw that he was holding you.

"You brought a Human back to the base?!" Ratchet said angrily when he saw you.

"Yes Ratchet, she saw me when I was fighting an Eradicon. I had to." Optimus calmly told the grumpy medic, glancing down at you.

You felt guilty for seeing Optimus when you heard Ratchet's tone. Optimus walked over to the Human area, letting you get off of his servo. You just continued to look up at the two mechs, wondering what exactly they were. Optimus and Ratchet looked down at you, neither of them knowing how to explain everything to you.

"U-um, w-who are you?" You asked in a nervous tone, looking up at the two Autobots.

"My name is Optimus Prime, I am the leader of the Autobots." Optimus answered calmly, kneeling down a little so that he could make eye contact with you.

"Autobots?" You queried in confusion, still feeling nervous.

"Yes, we are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron." Optimus replied, maintaining his calmness.

"So, why are you on Earth?" You shyly asked Optimus, fidgeting with your fingers.

"Our planet is uninhabitable due to centuries of civil war." Optimus responded, just as he had done to Jack, Miko and Raf.

"How do you know my name?" You questioned with curiosity, nor quite putting two and two together.

"You helped me get a stick out of my inner workings last week." Optimus told you, sensing that you were a little uncomfortable.

"But I thought you were a Human." You said in confusion, realizing that he was the attractive semi driver.

"That was my holoform. We Cybertronians hard light holograms to blend in with the indigenous species of whatever planet we are on." Optimus calmly explained, knowing that you were having a hard time processing what was going on.

"So, I can go home, right?" You asked Optimus in a nervous tone, afraid that you weren't able to go back.

"Yes, you may. However, you cannot tell anyone about us, for Humanity is not ready to know that we exist." Optimus said, noticing the nervousness in your voice.

"I promise, I won't say a word to anyone." You responded, promising him that you wouldn't tell anyone.

"You will need a guardian in case the Decepticons try to harm you." Optimus told you, knowing that there was a chance that the Decepticons might come after you.

"Who are the Decepticons?" You asked with curiosity.

"They are our sworn enemies and they wish to Cyberform Earth and destroy all lifeforms on Earth." Optimus answered, quietly venting.

"Okay, I don't mind having a guardian." You said, finally understanding.

"Ratchet?" Optimus asked Ratchet, looking at his old friend.

"I'm too busy!" Ratchet told Optimus in a grumpy tone, not wanting to be your guardian.

"Then I will be your guardian." Optimus concluded, turning his attention to you again.

"Okay, and thank you." You said, smiling up at the Autobot leader.

Optimus felt his spark flutter a little when you smiled at him. You had many questions for him, and he answered all of them. About an hour later Ratchet opened a groundbridge back to your house and Optimus carried you through, knowing that you needed to go back home.

"Thank you again for bringing me home, Optimus." You thanked him once you were back on the ground near where he saw you earlier.

"It was no problem." Optimus replied kindly, fighting the urge to smile.

"See you tomorrow." You told him, feeling a little flustered.

"And I will see you tomorrow as well." Optimus responded, promising you that you would see him again.

You gave him a little wave before turning around and walking through the trees. Sally greeted you, but only once you were close enough. You petted Sally for a moment before quickly going back inside the house so that your parents and sister wouldn't suspect anything. Optimus watched you walk through the trees, making sure that you got home without any trouble. As he walked through the groundbridge, he couldn't stop thinking about you.

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