Bottle feeding

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You had just gotten two bottles ready for Orion and Zane. Since you would be going back to work soon you would have to rely on Optimus to take care of your sons. Optimus was in his holoform with you in the nursery and you were going to show him how to bottle feed Orion and Zane. You showed him how to hold Zane while feeding him so that he wouldn't choke. He put the nipple of the bottle next to Zane's mouth and he took it.

"Am I doing this correctly?" Optimus asked you.

"Yes, you are." You said as you fed Orion.

Optimus watched Zane hungrily drink the milk that was in the bottle and he smiled. It had only been two weeks since you both had brought Orion and Zane home and he was already doing good at helping you take care of them, he even got up in the middle of the night to feed and change them. After Orion and Zane were done you showed Optimus how to burp them.

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