When IT comes to visit

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Today was not a very good day for you.

You had woken up in pain and when you went to the bathroom you saw a little blood in your panties.

"Great, that's just what I need." You said as you felt your cramps get a little worse.

You put a pad/tampon on/in and you took some aspirin so that your pain would hopefully go away soon.

When Optimus came to get you he saw you holding your abdomen.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Optimus asked you.

"Alright? ALRIGHT? Is THAT the kind of question you always ask girls when they're bleeding to death?!" You yelled at Optimus.

Optimus flinched at your sudden burst of anger.

"Why must every man be so insensitive?" You asked as you started crying.

Optimus activated his holoform, picked you up bridle style and carried you back to your bedroom.

Thankfully your parents were out helping your closest neighbor that was two miles away and your sister had gone to college.

Optimus went to your kitchen and he found some of your favorite candy and he laid on your bed with you and gave you the candy.

You suddenly hugged Optimus and started crying again so he only laid there and let you cry.

After a few minutes you had calmed down a little.

"Sorry I yelled at you earlier, it's just that I'm on my period." You said as you ate a piece of candy.

"What's a period?" Optimus asked you.

"It's when us human females bleed seven days every month." You replied.

"Why?" Optimus asked you.

"You're going to have to look that up because I'm not explaining it." You said.

Later that evening when Optimus went back to base he looked up what a period was.

By the time Optimus had read what a period was he had even more respect for female humans.

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