You get taken by the Decepticons

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I'm making Breakdown alive in this story because he didn't deserve to die .


Today Optimus had taken you out to a forest to go for a walk and so you could show him different Earth animals, insects and plants.

You were very thankful that Cybertroinians weren't affected by poison ivy because Optimus had walked through some while you were sitting on his shoulder.

Suddenly a large gun metal gray and purple jet flew overhead and transformed.

"Optimus Prime, it seems we meet again." The large gun metal gray and purple Cybertroinian said.

"Megatron, what do you want?" Optimus asked Megatron.

"I see you have your own human pet." Megatron said as he looked at you as he avoided Optimus's question.

"She is not my pet, but rather a very good friend." Optimus said as his battle mask snapped into place.

Optimus then carefully put you on the ground.

"Y/n, go hide while I take care of Megatron." Optimus told you.

You started running and soon you found a large boulder to hide behind.

"Let me guess, that human glitche is your sparkmate, isn't she?" Megatron asked Optimus in a disgusted tone.

"This isn't about her Megatron." Optimus said as he activated his blaster and shot at Megatron.

"You've gotten softer Optimus." Megatron seethed as he brought out his blade to stab Optimus.

Optimus blocked Megatron's attack and brought out his own blade.

Unfortunately you hadn't noticed the cherry red Decepticon behind you until he picked you up.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" The cherry red Cybertroinian asked.

"Let me go!" You yelled.

"I don't think so, Doll." The Cybertroinian said seductively.

"Who are you anyway?" You asked the flirtatious mech.

"The name's Knockout, Doll." Knockout said as he commed for a groundbridge.

Knockout walked through the groundbridge and you screamed for Optimus.

Optimus heard you but unfortunately Megatron injured him before he transformed and flew to the Nemesis.

Optimus commed for a groundbridge and Ratchet helped Optimus get to the med bay where Optimus told Ratchet what had happened.

Meanwhile Knockout had brought you to the Bridge to see Megatron.

"Good work on capturing Optimus Prime's glitch, I'm putting you and Breakdown in charge of her." Megatron said.

"Yes Lord Megatron." Knockout said as he bowed.

Knockout then took you to the med bay where you saw a bulky, navy blue and gray mech.

"Look what I found today." Knockout said.

"Hey, she's kinda pretty." The large Cybertroinian said.

Will you both stop flirting with me!" You yelled.

"Isn't that cute Breakdown, she's mad." Knockout said.

"Yeah, she's hot when she's mad." Breakdown said.

You blushed and looked away from both of the mechs.

"Aw Doll, we were only trying to cheer you up." Knockout said.

You didn't answer but instead you started crying which startled both Knockout and Breakdown.

"There's no need to leak, we aren't going to harm you." Knockout said softly.

Knockout put you down on a counter where you curled up into a ball and started sobbing.

"What do we do Knockout?" Breakdown asked Knockout.

"I have no idea." Knockout said as he and Breakdown looked at you.

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